My lord I'm so hurt and embarrassed. Jesus I failed to do my job properly and everyone sees me as a failure please lord I'm begging you please help me get back up from this situation this month itself and prove I'm more capable than any others. Please help me shine in front of others and be in a good position mentally and physically please lord. Jesus my saviour lord help me settle here without having any ego clash or issues with anyone. Help me be a good person who everyone loves. Lord please don't let anyone backstab me and talk bad about me. Help me be capable and help me increase my brain power. Please lord help me complete all my pending jobs perfectly, help me carry out my projects in such a way that the customers and my management will love to work with me. Help me achieve mental and physical peace my lord. Please keep my family safe and happy all the time under your loving care. Don't let them have any troubles mentally or physically. In the name of lord Jesus Christ I pray. Amen