Jesus my saviour lord, thank you for all the blessings you have showered upon my family. Please lord help our family get through our current situation. Please help my family get their all pending money and secure exit to go back to their home country. Please let them live a happy, healthy and prosperous life back there.. they have gone through so many troubles till now. I pray they have a peaceful life ahead. Please lord save me, I'm having so much tension in job, it's mostly due to people you spread bad things about me. Please lord I'm begging please stop everyone from talking bad things about me. Please lord, help me perform better in my work so that people will start to appreciate me. Please lord, help me get a good cheap apartment so that I can also save while I'm here. Please lord don't let me go back to my bad habits. Please help us. Please help my brother complete his course and get PR in Canada. Please hear my prayers my lord. Amen