Prayer Warrior
Jesus.. I feel so overwhelmed, beyond words..
You promise in Your word, that what in the dark, will be exposed in the light.. Father God.. I am so tired of this constant battle, while my every action has only been for the purest of intentions.. How can untruths completely ruin everything people previously experienced with you? Untruths and ill intentions. Father God.. I am literally on my knees.. I am defenseless against untrue statements, spoken in my absence, to harm my track record af work, Lord.. Where I have only, ever, given my absolute best. I would never, never hurt or disasvantage absolutely anybody, to mame myself secure in my Job, Father.. This is why, I cannot get my jead or heart around it..
Please show me the way, Father.. Please protect me, Lord.. May I please pray for me to be able to hold on in this unkust situation Lord.. I cannot do this without You Father..