Humble Servant of All
Jesus, I confess that I have spoken negative words about my husband. I ask for your forgiveness I ask for your power to cut off the corrupting power of what I’ve said in the hearts and minds of those who heard me. Prompt me to speak praise and goodness about my husband, to build him up and plant grace about him in the hearts of others. Heavenly Father, help me to rest fully in you in the area of finances. Teach me to praise and encourage and help, rather than criticize and complain and hinder. Please strengthen our financial front and grant us unity in financial decisions. Bless my husband with a tender heart that longs to honor You with everything we own, and grant him wisdom to dedicate all resources for the Kingdom and the Gospel. Lord Jesus, cultivate within my husband a faithful heart, one that longs to beat with integrity and flow with sacrificial love. Show me how I can plant seeds of faithfulness through my actions and attitudes toward my husband, and help me to wait on your harvest in his heart. Lord Jesus, open my ears to hear truly hear my husband. Teach me to patiently pursue his heart by asking probing questions. Awaken my curiosity for all the unspoken things hidden as treasure in his heart and soul. Help me to honor what he shares with me and never use it as ammunition against him. I have had trouble in the past respecting my husband. Forgive me for the ways I have not honored the marriage structure you created. Help me, Lord, Jesus, to grow in respect and to practice showing respect so that our marriage is a vibrant picture of Your relationship with Your Bride, the Church. Lord Jesus, search my heart for any ways I’ve been expecting too much from my husband. Help me to come to You with my unmet needs; teach me to not hold my husband’s failings against him. Soften my heart so that Your grace is at work. Heavenly Father, would You make my husband’s heart more sensitive to Your Spirit? Let him be aware of weak spots in the hedges around his heart. Show him how to walk in integrity by fortifying his resolve through prayer, accountability, and right choices. Protect him from evil. Show me how to praise him and encourage him to stay strong in his actions. Lord Jesus, more than anything else I want my husband to have a fruitful and growing relationship with You. Give him a desire for knowing and honoring You in every area of life. Forgive me for ways I have criticized his faith walk instead of encouraging him to pursue You. Thank You for loving him more than I do and wanting to be in relationship with him. Heavenly Father, although my relational needs can only be met fully in You, I want my marriage to be all that it should be in this area. Would You grow us in companionship? Teach me how to value my husband as my closest friend and confidante. Thank You for my husband and the ways he does reach out to me. I long for our home to be built by Your ways and Your wisdom. Please pour out Your heart upon our marriage, that we might be a force for Your Kingdom work in our family, neighborhood, and community. Make our home a place of refuge and life, a place that honors You in all Your ways. Lord Jesus, so many times the pressure of life gets the better of me and I take everything so seriously. Help me to take joy in life, to be quick to laugh and find humor. Infuse Your eternal joy in our hearts and make our marriage a place where we have fun and laugh together. I praise You for the way You knit my husband together. You do all things well, so show me the beauty of my husband’s physical form and teach me to be tender with the body You’ve housed him in. Forgive me for criticizing Your work and for aligning my expectations with our current cultural standard. Put in me a spirit of acceptance and love for the uniqueness of my husband. I have sinned against You in my judgment and resentment against my husband. Forgive me for taking Your place and refusing to love. Fill me with love and compassion for my husband. please help me to be the wife You long for me to be. I want to be a wise steward, investing in eternal things. Help me to adjust my thinking and priorities so that our home is a centered on Your Kingdom values. I want to live in such a way that my husband is encouraged to seek You and Your Kingdom even more. You have loved us with Your words as well as with Your deeds. Thank You for making it clear and help me to follow in Your footsteps so that the fullness of my love for my husband is clear. Let me continue to speak words of love and to show deeds of love in the days to come. Thank You for my husband, and thank You for growing me into an encouraging wife.