All the angels of heaven above adore Him. Praising and worshiping Him day and night. O Jesus, we too shall adore Your holy name for in the name of Jesus there is power to cast all devils away. O Bread of heaven, completely fill us with Thy love. Fill us o Lord, our hearts are empty without You. Prepare our hearts to serve You. Open our eyes and ears to hear Your voice and follow Your Spirit of life. Bread of Heaven, fill me till I want no more. In obedience to the Father who said. This is My beloved Son. Hear ye Him. Fill our thoughts with You o Lord, so our minds will be renewed today and in the future. Take full control of our lives so we will not miss all the blessing You have stored for us. Take our hands o Lord, Use them for Your glory. For You o Lord are glorious and worthy to be praised. You are the Lamb upon the throne. We lift our voice in praise for showing all us a better way to live on earth and then when our days are over You shall reward us with a Crown of Life given to us by the Father of lights. Mold us in Your image as we walk with You today and forever more. Amen