Humble Servant
Jesus gives peace in heart, joy, love, patience, mildness, humility, faith, strength, courage, wisdom, love for adults and children.
Jesus may be Your will to marry, let Your will be where to live. I ask that Dmitry and Elena agree to live in the city of Liski. Bless Dmitry to be the husband of Your Heart and Alexandra the wife of Your Heart. Bless us Father for good works, for close relations with God, read the Bible, bring to the Church, Bring to repentance, destroy the devil's plans on us, prepare for your coming and for the great tribulation, prepare for eternity; protect from chips and scratch, help long and often pray, fast and preach; may Your will be on Alexandra, Dmitry, Igor, Julia, Tatyana, Eugene, Julia, Andrei, Vica and her relatives, Zhenya, Anya and her relatives, Nikolai, Dmitry, their family, Liparita and his family, Svetlana, Vardan and his family, Marina and her family, Nastya, Sonya, Ukashat, people from the Churches in the name of Jesus Christ. The Father healed all the organs of Vicky, help Rae (leg surgery), Anya (bad memory), Katya (unholy relationship) healed the stomach, esophagus, intestine, liver help to be cheerful, do not discourage and restore peace in the soul of Alexandra and Dmitry, give a good dream without pills to Alexandra in the name of Jesus Christ. Help in the work and in writing poems to Alexandra and Dmitry, raise their self-esteem Heal the soul of Dmitry, his logoneurosis and heart, help him rejoice in life. God help Alexandra to go to the Church, baptize her, break all barriers. Improve metabolism in Julia and Alexandra
Jesus may be Your will to marry, let Your will be where to live. I ask that Dmitry and Elena agree to live in the city of Liski. Bless Dmitry to be the husband of Your Heart and Alexandra the wife of Your Heart. Bless us Father for good works, for close relations with God, read the Bible, bring to the Church, Bring to repentance, destroy the devil's plans on us, prepare for your coming and for the great tribulation, prepare for eternity; protect from chips and scratch, help long and often pray, fast and preach; may Your will be on Alexandra, Dmitry, Igor, Julia, Tatyana, Eugene, Julia, Andrei, Vica and her relatives, Zhenya, Anya and her relatives, Nikolai, Dmitry, their family, Liparita and his family, Svetlana, Vardan and his family, Marina and her family, Nastya, Sonya, Ukashat, people from the Churches in the name of Jesus Christ. The Father healed all the organs of Vicky, help Rae (leg surgery), Anya (bad memory), Katya (unholy relationship) healed the stomach, esophagus, intestine, liver help to be cheerful, do not discourage and restore peace in the soul of Alexandra and Dmitry, give a good dream without pills to Alexandra in the name of Jesus Christ. Help in the work and in writing poems to Alexandra and Dmitry, raise their self-esteem Heal the soul of Dmitry, his logoneurosis and heart, help him rejoice in life. God help Alexandra to go to the Church, baptize her, break all barriers. Improve metabolism in Julia and Alexandra