HIS FIRST COMING : Luke 2:1-7@ Matthew 1:18-22.Here Jesus Christ came as the Messiah/Immanuel, the lamb of God that cleans or removes the sins of the world. Jesus came as a mediated.To reconcile people with God.He came as a ransom. He came to justify and give deliverance of the believer from the bondage and burden of sin.Son of God
HIS SECOND COMING : 1 Thessalonians 4:15-16.Our Lord Jesus Christ will be coming as a Judge.There will be no time for forgiveness of sin.He is coming to take His church.Only those who will be ready, will be raptured up.Revelation 22:7&12
HIS THIRD COMING: REVELATION 20:1-15 He will be coming down from heaven as King and Ruler for final judgement .Daniel 7:14
HIS SECOND COMING : 1 Thessalonians 4:15-16.Our Lord Jesus Christ will be coming as a Judge.There will be no time for forgiveness of sin.He is coming to take His church.Only those who will be ready, will be raptured up.Revelation 22:7&12
HIS THIRD COMING: REVELATION 20:1-15 He will be coming down from heaven as King and Ruler for final judgement .Daniel 7:14