A lot of them claimed mental duress. The devil has gotten their heart to break up our marriage. Much suffering comes under such duress. Only Jesus can heal our marriage. Only God can wipe away the tears that our children shed. The gifts I have given you was worthless. I should have given you Jesus. May be we missed the whole thing. The diamond ring was no good to last our love forever. The things of this world will not mend our hearts brokenness. Our back is injured and we cannot heal. We were in a painful dispair. Then we heard the voice of the Master, Jesus calling us. Come unto Me all that labor and are heavy layden. I will give you rest. Matt. 11.28 The roses will bloom in our garden again. We have heard Gods voice. We must obey and follow Him all the way to heaven. Will you come with me? Will we embrace Jesus before we die?
Yes Lord. We are coming to Your right now. .... Amen
Yes Lord. We are coming to Your right now. .... Amen