Tang Wei Ping
Humble Prayer Warrior
Jeremiah 14:11 ► Then said the LORD unto me, Pray not for this people for their good.
Commentary on this verse:
14:10-16 The Lord calls the Jews this people, not his people. They had forsaken his service, therefore he would punish them according to their sins. He forbade Jeremiah to plead for them. The false prophets were the most criminal. The Lord pronounces condemnation on them; but as the people loved to have it so, they were not to escape judgments. False teachers encourage men to expect peace and salvation, without repentance, faith, conversion, and holiness of life. But those who believe a lie must not plead if for an excuse. They shall feel what they say they will not fear.
Our prayer:
Heavenly Father, we say to You, we acknowledge our wickedness. We have sinned against You in a variety of ways. A variety of ways that are coming to our mind right now, and we'll spend time verbalizing before You, even right after this is over. And LORD God, we pray that You would give grace for others to do the same. LORD God, search our hearts, uncover our sin that we might see it as You see it, we might acknowledge it as You acknowledge it. And LORD God in the process that we might find Your mercy and Your grace just covering over us, You would help us to be reconciled, restored to You, to grow in You in greater and greater ways than we ever have, through confession of our sin. So help us to see sin in our lives, the way You see sin in our lives and help us turn from it with repentant hearts. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Commentary on this verse:
14:10-16 The Lord calls the Jews this people, not his people. They had forsaken his service, therefore he would punish them according to their sins. He forbade Jeremiah to plead for them. The false prophets were the most criminal. The Lord pronounces condemnation on them; but as the people loved to have it so, they were not to escape judgments. False teachers encourage men to expect peace and salvation, without repentance, faith, conversion, and holiness of life. But those who believe a lie must not plead if for an excuse. They shall feel what they say they will not fear.
Our prayer:
Heavenly Father, we say to You, we acknowledge our wickedness. We have sinned against You in a variety of ways. A variety of ways that are coming to our mind right now, and we'll spend time verbalizing before You, even right after this is over. And LORD God, we pray that You would give grace for others to do the same. LORD God, search our hearts, uncover our sin that we might see it as You see it, we might acknowledge it as You acknowledge it. And LORD God in the process that we might find Your mercy and Your grace just covering over us, You would help us to be reconciled, restored to You, to grow in You in greater and greater ways than we ever have, through confession of our sin. So help us to see sin in our lives, the way You see sin in our lives and help us turn from it with repentant hearts. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.