It sounds like you have had income, otherwise you could not be in the place you are now. Going to school, eating, going places, you have clothes, etc. That is God at work in your life. Begin thanking Him for the things He has done for you instead of complaining that He has not done anything and asking prayer to get Him to do something. It is not God who is stuck. Jesus won a victory over every situation you will ever get into over 2000 years ago. He has blessed you with every spiritual blessing. He has blessed you with the faith of Jesus. He has blessed you with Himself, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit living within you. He has blessed you with the nature of God. He has given you Himself, which is the fruit of the Spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness. He has blessed you with prosperity. He has told you you can have what you want, that all you have to do is speak it into existence. He has said that the seeds and words you plant today shall determine your future. He has given you power to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out devils.
Read the Word, speak the Word aloud over your life and body.
Speak the following prayer aloud while resting a hand on you knee. Speak it aloud each morning.
In the name of Jesus, I command all pain in my knee to leave my knee, now. I speak a new knee into my body, now. I declare and I decree all the works of the devil shall now be gone from my body. I declare and I decree my body shall now be healthy, well, healed, and whole. Thank you Jesus.
I bless you with the life of God, in the name of Jesus. Thank you Jesus.