I've been given a real opportunity which I believe is a true gift and blessing from GOD. I have many dental problems which I don't have anywhere near the money to fix so for years I've just accepted this is the way it is. Well a sister in Christ knows a dentist who is willing to take a look at my teeth and willing to work with whatever little I make from Avon and my Church has decided to do benevolent offerings to pay for all the work I need for my teeth. So I need prayer because when it comes to dental stuff when my Mom told me to brush my teeth when I was little she told me my teeth would fall out anyways because its genetic. Well as a kid I thought well if there gonna fall out anyways then whats the point who cares. So for many years I didn't brush my teeth so half my dental problems are my responsibility and I admit that. The other half is when my top teeth grew in they stuck out so I have buck teeth and couldn't afford braces. Well now I have this great blessing thing is my family that I live with are very stubborn strong believers in that what you get you work for if anything is given to you that's charity and that's a bad thing. Whenever I have been blessed in the past with anything they have given me a very hard time over it. I think it would be stupid to pass up this opportunity but they will give me a hard time because its gonna be given to me. And I'm willing to bet they will hold things over my head like if I go through with getting my teeth fixed then no more Church or CR or Bible study. They'll hold over my head that I have to stay home to look after my brother who has sever autism and can't look after himself or something along those lines. A couple of sisters in Christ bought for me some dental stuff that I need to look after my teeth and its hiding in a drawer because I know the minute I get it out and start using it my family is gonna wanna know where it came from and I'm not gonna lie and they will blow up for sure because again those things were given to me. So please pray for me as I really wanna get this work done and start looking after my teeth but my family is gonna make it very difficult for me. Things are difficult enough with the persecution I get and now it'll be even worse with this. So please keep me in prayer.