I sometimes look up people from my past,and upon looking them up after several years of not hearing anything about them, one thing that jumps at me is the good number of them that have died in the long years since I knew them.Add to this the neighbors, relatives that I've known that have died,and it got me to thinking about 2 things on a spiritual level--one, how death came in as a result of Original Sin{"through one man death entered in'}and, how, in the New Heaven and Earth, this won't happen anymore.{"And death will be no more.Neither will there be mourning nor outcry nor pain anymore. For the former things have passed away."When I see people mourning their loved ones after a death, those verses come to me.But besides even that, what I thought about today was, with all these people dying,if they fall short spiritually, after death their chances end.{"It is appointed unto men once to die, then after this the judgement."}Followed by my next thought, that since eternity is forever, the most important decision you can make WHILE ALIVE, is to get right with God.In the few minutes of saying "no", that few minutes,if you don't get more chances, the one minute answer of saying"no", is it worth eternity in Hell?So I say, it's not IF you die, but where you make your decision to go AFTER DEATH that matters most.Think you'd agree?