Neha jain
Prayer Warrior
It’s really challenging to see my husband want to give up on our marriage. I forgave him all my heart and I pray with all his heart he forgives me and let it go. I pray he stop holding grudges against me and my family who may have wronged him but that he recognize he has sinned against God. I pray that he know that Jesus cares about him and that he has to repent for his sins. I pray that he forgives me deeply for hurting him and let it go and desire to cancel the divorce and start a new life with me as Jesus has forgiven me but that remember some of the things he may have done to hurt me but God has softened my heart towards him. So I’m asking God in Jesus name to soften my husband’s heart towards me. I pray my husband stop pushing me away and then he pushes other women away they’re only trying to use him and destroy him. I Pray that my husband be blessed to have the whole armor of God to withstand the wiles of Satan and to know when Satan is attacking him. God please make my husband strong in his faith in Christ Jesus in the word. That he deny self and take up his cross and follow Jesus, just like Jesus told Matthew Levi to stop what he was doing and to come and follow Him, and immediately Matthew Levi got up and followed Jesus. Thank you God for my husband who is a saved sinner and a believer in Christ Jesus I pray he worships Jesus in spirit and truth. In Jesus name Amen