It's almost going to my sweet Isabella 1st bday March 25 and my daughter passed back in May 18 2021. It's be so hard for my family to get over this which the enemy has used great depression and anxiety for both my wife and I, we ask all prayer warriors to lift up prayers for healing and even when we don't understand why our baby was taken it breaks our heart every day. Pray for renewing of mind and hearts in our lives each day to overcome and rejoice that my daughter is with the lord now. Pray for my marriage, to be the husband I need to be for my wife and change every single thing as bitterness, anger, heart broken, lies and sometimes division the enemy puts in between me and my wife at times. It's gotten better and we also asking for prayers God blesses us with another child, finances, to jave joy and happiness the enemy has stolen from us. I can't do this on my own will and know God's the only one who can truly remove all the negative and hurts. I pray for all you who pray for us and pray God grants us all desires of our hearts of good and that this tragedy turns into tears of joy and serve the lord thru both good and bad times and akways putting him first. Thank you all in advance and godbless you all!