Disciple of Prayer
It was with great effort I completed my p.g.which was a nightmare..under an extremely partial guide and .as a married woman with a child ,complicated pregnancy with a premature delivery, mothers cancer, corona affecting my family, floods ..the past 9 years have been a roller coaster top it off ..I thought I finally could get job..and I went failed 2 out of 3 attempts of my liscencing exam..after being an average student this far..I think I have hit rock bottom nor I would never attain peace...I don't seem to be catching a break...I try so hard...without God's blessings I can't move forward..I am sending my 2nd test results for a reevaluation...because I felt I did well but failed..I'm praying for a miracle..May my results be positive..I have lost my confidence..I can't stand how much I disappointed my family by this..because they invested a lot of money for my education...I tried so hard..but nothing seems to be working in my favour this past 9 years..I really need your prayers...I have lost all self confidence and I feel depressed and alone..and I feel like I'm dying inside everyday..bottling up how much I hate myself..for putting my family in this position..I really need a miracle...