Tang Wei Ping
Humble Prayer Warrior
Isaiah 60:19 ►
The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.
Commentary on this verse:
We must look for the full accomplishment in times and things, exceeding those of the Old Testament church. The nations and their kings shall lay themselves out for the good of the church. Such a salvation, such a redemption, shall be wrought out for thee, as discovers itself to be the work of the Lord. Every thing shall be changed for the better. In thy land shall no more be heard threats of those that do violence, nor complaints of those that suffer violence. Thy walls shall be means of safety, thy gates shall be written upon with praises to God. In the close of this chapter are images and expressions used in the description of the New Jerusalem, Re 21:23; 22:5. Nothing can answer to this but some future glorious state of the church on earth, or the state of the church triumphant in heaven. Those that make God their only light, shall have him their all-sufficient light. And the happiness shall know no change or alloy. No people on earth are all righteous; but there are no mixtures in heaven. They shall be wholly righteous. The spirits of just men shall there be made perfect. The glory of the church shall be to the honour of God. When it shall be finished, it will appear a work of wonder. It may seem too difficult to be brought about, but the God of almighty power has undertaken it. It may seem to be delayed and put off; but the Lord will hasten it in the time appointed by his wisdom, though not in the time prescribed by our folly. Let this hope cheer us under all difficulties, and stir us up to all diligence, that we may have an abundant entrance into this everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Our prayer:
Prayer for Isaiah 61:1 ►
“The Spirit of the Lord God is on Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and freedom to the prisoners;”
Praying through Isaiah 61:1
Heavenly Father, our understanding is so limited of all You are and the untold mysteries that surround the triune Godhead and the incarnate Word of God. Yet You loved us so much that You came in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ to die for our sins so that we might receive the good tidings of great joy which have been given to all people; the joyful news that by grace through faith in Him, we have been forgiven of our sins. Thank You that the Holy Spirit indwells us, comforting us and binding up our broken and bleeding heart. Thank You that in Christ, we have been set free from the bondage to sin, from the curse of the Law, and from enslavement by Satan. Praise You, Lord! AMEN.
Source: Prayer for Isaiah 61:1
The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.
Commentary on this verse:
We must look for the full accomplishment in times and things, exceeding those of the Old Testament church. The nations and their kings shall lay themselves out for the good of the church. Such a salvation, such a redemption, shall be wrought out for thee, as discovers itself to be the work of the Lord. Every thing shall be changed for the better. In thy land shall no more be heard threats of those that do violence, nor complaints of those that suffer violence. Thy walls shall be means of safety, thy gates shall be written upon with praises to God. In the close of this chapter are images and expressions used in the description of the New Jerusalem, Re 21:23; 22:5. Nothing can answer to this but some future glorious state of the church on earth, or the state of the church triumphant in heaven. Those that make God their only light, shall have him their all-sufficient light. And the happiness shall know no change or alloy. No people on earth are all righteous; but there are no mixtures in heaven. They shall be wholly righteous. The spirits of just men shall there be made perfect. The glory of the church shall be to the honour of God. When it shall be finished, it will appear a work of wonder. It may seem too difficult to be brought about, but the God of almighty power has undertaken it. It may seem to be delayed and put off; but the Lord will hasten it in the time appointed by his wisdom, though not in the time prescribed by our folly. Let this hope cheer us under all difficulties, and stir us up to all diligence, that we may have an abundant entrance into this everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Our prayer:
Prayer for Isaiah 61:1 ►
“The Spirit of the Lord God is on Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and freedom to the prisoners;”
Praying through Isaiah 61:1
Heavenly Father, our understanding is so limited of all You are and the untold mysteries that surround the triune Godhead and the incarnate Word of God. Yet You loved us so much that You came in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ to die for our sins so that we might receive the good tidings of great joy which have been given to all people; the joyful news that by grace through faith in Him, we have been forgiven of our sins. Thank You that the Holy Spirit indwells us, comforting us and binding up our broken and bleeding heart. Thank You that in Christ, we have been set free from the bondage to sin, from the curse of the Law, and from enslavement by Satan. Praise You, Lord! AMEN.
Source: Prayer for Isaiah 61:1