The Bible points out that some things are sin, and some aren't, and about right and wrong.But other things aren't really mentioned,so we don't know. Like,I have different views then others on many things. Most people get "creeped out" being alone, and long for others to be around. I, on the other hand,feel that others around me become more of a "nuisance" than a benefit. They get in the way,they do things in ways I find irritating,etc.Alone is more of an "ego trip" for me, I can ". be myself",and do things to my preference.Many out of work for a long time are depressed,and post here. I get frustrated and eventually depressed when I have TOO MUCH work, because then there are other things I need to{or want to} do, and the work is hampering me,getting in the way. Also, most people are programmed to be "on the move" all the time,and say they get bored with time on their hands. Me, I'd rather have "too much" time than to be swamped.I can do things at my own pace,not rushed,no deadlines.Now, 2 things here--whereas most people I hear are "on a different page " than me, it shows that I'm not a robot, I have a mind of my own. I don't "follow along" and think a certain way because "everyone else" does so.But the question is,is there a right and a wrong with these differing viewpoints,or it's just what suits a person?Because some are astonished that I don't think "their way",and I have also. questioned the sanity of those with their viewpoints.Is there really a right or wrong?