The Bible doesn't mention the word "instigating" specifically.But it does say,"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God." And since instigating is stirring things up, which is the opposite of being a peacemaker, it would seem to me that God wouldn't approve of such.But some examples come to mind,. Like, these race problems. I'm white, and since the incident that set off hostilities, I've had dealings with black people, and how it's been in my cases, there was no signs of hostilties. I and them reacted to each other in a regular way, and it didn't seem like race was an issue. BUT ...,now when there are others "stirring things up"{and people believe the instigators}...second, some people just "blurt things out", not letting something drop, or just want to get their viewpoints across in an abrasive way, not caring if it "rubs others the wrong way', and that, too, sets things off.Like, the media and most Democrats in general state their "viewpoints" as if it's the Gospel itself, and to those of us who don't agree with it, we find it insulting.{Their way of expressing themselves.} Where does the instigating come in? Well, me and my sister have completely different viewpoints on most things, and were not "keen on each other" for a long time.Recently, with the death of my mother,now we've improved on that. But because we're so opposite in politics{she's an outspoken liberal, and I'm an outspoken rightwinger}we were able to keep it on other subjects. But now with the election coming closer, I know she might put a plug in for her side, and I also know I hate to see something I feel I'm right about, and someone who's wrong ,fighting against it. So here again, an outside influence "instigating" what had become a peaceful situation,and bringing up old hostilities.SO!!Once again, would you say someone or some venue "stirring things up" causing division, is sinful?Based on, Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for THEY {not instigators} will be called sons of God, and having seen personally what "stirring things up" can do, I would feel safe in saying that "stirring things up" between 2 factions is a sinful thing to do. You?