"And His name is Faithful and True, and He judges in RIGHTEOUSNESS.""Nethertheless, according to His promise, we await New Heavens and a New Earth, and in these RIGHTEOUSNESS is to dwell. "You have become judges rendering wicked decisions." "God is no respecter of persons."Reading all this, and looking around us, we see that most people are NOT impartial. They take the side of the one they LIKE BETTER, or KNOW BETTER, over right or wrong.Let's start with the darling media. They're just dripping with bias.Just ONE example {too numerous to mention }of this is how they're covering the Democrat convention.Every time one of those liberals get up and speak, and knock Trump, they cheer them on. If Trump defends himself , they make him the bad guy. Obvious where they're loyalties lie, although the medias job is to REPORT the news, not plug for one side, and villianize the other.Other than this,I've seen where someone in a certain family, does something WRONG, and even by Biblical definition a sin, and the other family member "covers for" them, and goes against the victim. Bias.One of the first questions they ask you in jury duty is if you can be nuetral.So is bias considered a sin, seeing that it's not a "fair" judgement, and your mind is made up beforehand? I think so. You?The reason I think it's a sin is because of the unfairness it creates.
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