Is being disrespectful of someone a sin?

To me, this seems clear,but let's see if others can confirm it.For a while now, I'm dealing with a type of customer who agrees to something, then goes back on their word.Like, if a new person calls me, and I'm filled up with customers,I tell them I can do this one time thing, but I don't have time to take on a steady customer. They agree,but then once they "get their foot in the door",they'll save my number and keep calling me for other things..I tell them because I'm overbooked {and just one person}I'll take them, but don't tell the everybody you know about me. They agree to that, then proceed to "advertise " me to one and all.If I'm tight for time, I say I can take them home from work, but I don't have time for them to make stops. They agree, then when they get in the car, here it comes,"oh, I just have 2 quick stops".I can think of other examples of this going back on their agreements, but...would that be sin on their part? I would say the sin would be lying, and also selfishness, because they're only thinking of what they want, and not caring if they inconvenience me. But also, Jesus said,"Let your yes mean yes, and your no, no."He didn't say, let your yes mean yes until it's no longer convenient to you,then change it to no."So if they're disobeying that rule of Jesus, to keep your word, wouldn't that be sin?Oh, the other lie,if they know I'm tight for time,they'll say,"I'll go in the store, but if there's a line, I'll just come out."But they don't.They apparently wait on line and come out a good time later,making me late for my next appointment.So I, personally, think there's enough proof that it's sinful, wouldn't you say?
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Steven Bobb, these are just the distractions of the devil. The devil harrasses us constantly in some area obviously. Yes, everything you say is a sin, but it is not important and you cannot tell them, you are comiting a sin, right? Because if they are not a real beleiver, they would not listen to you. If you think of their sin you will not concentrate on what you can do to make your life easier.
1) you can ask God to show you what spirits/powers are standing behind those harrassments ( if you have done everything in your power to avoid those situations)
2) be open for God to tell you that you are making a mistake somewhere
3) bind all spirits and powers of harrassement and distraction (and all others which God shows you)
4) ask for wisdom for every "customer situation"
5) plie the blood of Jesus over yourself every morning, over your doors, neighbours, especially all customers and everyone you meet
6) Say: I cut off from my life every false customer and every person sent from the devil to harrass me and to take my time
7) I break any curse of harrassement over my life in Jesus name
8) God, open my eyes to see what is really going on here

Amen. Read that list and pray over that list every day, post your requests here and i believe it will be solved soon or later.

I have a good idea. Why dont you raise the price of your services. Maybe the price is to low, so people are chasing you because of that? And it can be a trick for them to stop chasing you. Stay with old customers and raise a price for others? Stay with those who are acting respectfully. Also, if they do not come on time, just ignore them, say you dont have time, shut off a phone, leave a house etc....You must teach them how to respect you. People dont react so much on our words but on the fact how we treat them and what we are allowing them, if you understand me.... But the list above is the best solution. God and his discernement and wisdom. Amen.
If we are truthful with ourselves when we point out or notice other people sinning we are ignoring our very own sins. Sounds like you are running a one man show taxi or limo service where you are always going on to the next client. Where I am from there are laws that separate taxi from limo services but we are all supposed to have a dispatcher among other things. If you wanted to guarantee your time periods around here you would be considered a limo service but you would have to charge a 2 hour minimum rate, get paid in advance, charge sales tax etc, etc. If you are a taxi service you can't guarantee your time periods and you have to let a client stay in your service until they are done. People are constantly changing their minds about what they need to do, remembering extra errands etc and where they need to go which is frustrating but we all do that. Is it a bad sin to change our minds? Have you ever forgot you needed milk, then when you go in to the store see a few other things you needed? Is it a sin to forget you need or desire milk? So if a person tells you that they just want to go home and then needs to stop to use a restroom, did they lie to you? I don't believe that is out and out lying Steven. If you had contracts in writing and got paid in advance then you could tell someone no and pull over and tell them to get out for braking their agreement etc. I personally think that if I was going to take on someone extra that I barely had time for that I might be the one or the bigger one possibly sinning the sin of greed. We all sin Steven but we should all be like Paul and look at ourselves and say I am the biggest sinner of them all! Thank You Lord Jesus for Your Love for me and Your forgiveness of me Lord Jesus even when I don't realize my own sins! Give me the love and forgiveness for others that You have for me in Jesus! Help me to do things right in Your sight, my sight and other's sight in Jesus! Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus!

You and Natasha are both right in a sense but what should our biggest concerns be, the sins of others or our very own sins especially our sins that cause others to sin? If you are really asking me if your clients are sinning? I say yes, but if you barely had time for them to sin against you to begin with then I say you may have been the very cause for them to sin against you by not saying no to them from the start.

I have had clients out and been at a 2 or 3 hour brake or wait for them and had a friend of their's desire a ride. So I have let the client know and saved them money by charging the new client for the other client taking off their bill. I could have just taken my brake and made the same money but I chose to let my client be a hero for their friends etc.

I used to do construction, at the same time I did lawn care, land scaping, snow removal, swimming pool, hot tub and transportation services all at the same time with many people working for me. I used to earn an average of 1,000 per day. I'm a jack of all traits and I can do anything. If anyone can do something so can I and not only can I get something done but I can do it better than most. To make a long story short I cancelled everything I was doing because I was greedy, overworked and over paid. I couldn't say no to anyone etc and believe me I can figure out a way to help anyone even if I had to hire someone new. We are greedy if we are like that and we need to stop and relax and learn to rest in Jesus and learn to say no to others and not take on to much. I don't know the laws for transportation services in Florida but whatever they are it wouldn't hurt you to have a few more employees. Maybe a dispatcher and an extra chauffeur to start with. Have your boss be Jesus and the laws of the land and stop telling people that you are the owner. It is legal to put everything in writing, get paid in advance and have your clients sign something. It is a law to do that in most places. If they brake their agreement, pull over and tell them to get out and keep the income.

Grow up (in Jesus) Steven! :)
It is not a good witness before unbelievers to be disrespecful. Jesus said, Love one another as I have loved you. So, let us all start being nice, polite and loving others no matter where they come from or their marital situation. Jesus loves all of them. Now, if you see something wrong going on inside the church and you come up with a bad attitude towart the gossip around, go immediately into the holy presence of Jesus and tell Him everything you heard. Ask Jesus to save those souls and to fix the problem. No one is perfect in this world. Jesus told us to do this. Pray for one another that you may be healed.
If we are truthful with ourselves when we point out or notice other people sinning we are ignoring our very own sins. Sounds like you are running a one man show taxi or limo service where you are always going on to the next client. Where I am from there are laws that separate taxi from limo services but we are all supposed to have a dispatcher among other things. If you wanted to guarantee your time periods around here you would be considered a limo service but you would have to charge a 2 hour minimum rate, get paid in advance, charge sales tax etc, etc. If you are a taxi service you can't guarantee your time periods and you have to let a client stay in your service until they are done. People are constantly changing their minds about what they need to do, remembering extra errands etc and where they need to go which is frustrating but we all do that. Is it a bad sin to change our minds? Have you ever forgot you needed milk, then when you go in to the store see a few other things you needed? Is it a sin to forget you need or desire milk? So if a person tells you that they just want to go home and then needs to stop to use a restroom, did they lie to you? I don't believe that is out and out lying Steven. If you had contracts in writing and got paid in advance then you could tell someone no and pull over and tell them to get out for braking their agreement etc. I personally think that if I was going to take on someone extra that I barely had time for that I might be the one or the bigger one possibly sinning the sin of greed. We all sin Steven but we should all be like Paul and look at ourselves and say I am the biggest sinner of them all! Thank You Lord Jesus for Your Love for me and Your forgiveness of me Lord Jesus even when I don't realize my own sins! Give me the love and forgiveness for others that You have for me in Jesus! Help me to do things right in Your sight, my sight and other's sight in Jesus! Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus!

You and Natasha are both right in a sense but what should our biggest concerns be, the sins of others or our very own sins especially our sins that cause others to sin? If you are really asking me if your clients are sinning? I say yes, but if you barely had time for them to sin against you to begin with then I say you may have been the very cause for them to sin against you by not saying no to them from the start.

I have had clients out and been at a 2 or 3 hour brake or wait for them and had a friend of their's desire a ride. So I have let the client know and saved them money by charging the new client for the other client taking off their bill. I could have just taken my brake and made the same money but I chose to let my client be a hero for their friends etc.

I used to do construction, at the same time I did lawn care, land scaping, snow removal, swimming pool, hot tub and transportation services all at the same time with many people working for me. I used to earn an average of 1,000 per day. I'm a jack of all traits and I can do anything. If anyone can do something so can I and not only can I get something done but I can do it better than most. To make a long story short I cancelled everything I was doing because I was greedy, overworked and over paid. I couldn't say no to anyone etc and believe me I can figure out a way to help anyone even if I had to hire someone new. We are greedy if we are like that and we need to stop and relax and learn to rest in Jesus and learn to say no to others and not take on to much. I don't know the laws for transportation services in Florida but whatever they are it wouldn't hurt you to have a few more employees. Maybe a dispatcher and an extra chauffeur to start with. Have your boss be Jesus and the laws of the land and stop telling people that you are the owner. It is legal to put everything in writing, get paid in advance and have your clients sign something. It is a law to do that in most places. If they brake their agreement, pull over and te

Grow up (in Jesus) Steven! :)
As usual, you're missing the point.And according to you, it's ALWAYS my fault.It's not changing their minds if I tell them I can take them as a one shot thing, and not a steady new customer, and they agree, to it, then call me over and over.Or if I tell them don't tell the whole world about me,,they promise not to, then do. Why say they won't wait on line if it's a long line, then do?Being greedy, 2 counterpoints__1}I didn't go out solicitating for customers, they came to me, and 2}to show my mindset I've had situations where there was a "close window" between runs, and I was actually RELIEVED when one of them cancelled,getting me out of a "spot".If I was just about the money, I would have been disappointed if they cancelled.Not to mention other times, when I want to take care of something, and I would prefer them NOT to call at that time, because I'd rather have the freedom to do what I want then make the few extra dollars. Instead of greed , I might plead guilty to this, and this part would be my fault...maybe my weakness in my "nos" being too weak, etc.Or if something happens too quickly I might make a dumb decision.
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I didn't accuse you of anything. I confessed to my greed, didn’t I?
Yes, but I'm saying, 1, when I first started,i didn't think it would get this "out of hand", and if it was greed,why would I be happy if someone cancels at an inconvenient time?"Giving in to them" against my better judgement might be a better way of describing my mistake in my specific case. In fact, my other blog, about making money an idol, shows how I feel about people who put money over everything.
Yes, but I'm saying, 1, when I first started,i didn't think it would get this "out of hand", and if it was greed,why would I be happy if someone cancels at an inconvenient time?"Giving in to them" against my better judgement might be a better way of describing my mistake in my specific case. In fact, my other blog, about making money an idol, shows how I feel about people who put money over everything.

Greed is a sneaky sin. I didn't realize I was committing it. I wanted to earn more to better take care of my family and even be more generous. When I took on an extra client that I barely had time for I earned more but there were sufferings for that greed that I was unaware of commiting. Whenever you mention other's sin that triggers a response from my experience of something very similar in fact well within the same topic you started. I didn't miss what you were talking about. I even said you were right for the most part. Every time we notice someone else's sin there is probably 10 sins we are ignoring that we committed. I'm a sinner, you are a sinner, we all sin or we wouldn't need or needed Jesus, right?
Greed is a sneaky sin. I didn't realize I was committing it. I wanted to earn more to better take care of my family and even be more generous. When I took on an extra client that I barely had time for I earned more but there were sufferings for that greed that I was unaware of commiting. Whenever you mention other's sin that triggers a response from my experience of something very similar in fact well within the same topic you started. I didn't miss what you were talking about. I even said you were right for the most part. Every time we notice someone else's sin there is probably 10 sins we are ignoring that we committed. I'm a sinner, you are a sinner, we all sin or we wouldn't need or needed Jesus, right?

I had the same experience, and it was more like a curse then a blessing, this money, loosing time, energy etc...
I only have one comment about ARE WE A SINNERS or ARE WE SAVED BY GRACE?


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