Humble Servant of All
Is.45:2-3 I will go before thee and make crooked paths staight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass and cut asunder the bars of iron: I will give thee the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I the Lord, which call the by NAME, am the God of Isreal. Thank You, that whatever part of salvation you are working out in a persons life scripture relates. Every area of our life is part of our inheritance, through salvation in Jesus Christ. Saving grace for a lost soul, saving grace for a healing, saving includes all things pertaining to Salvation. Good health, peace, joy, mercy, goodness, blessings, all things pertaining to our salvation. EVERY area of our life, making every crooked thing straight. From crooked jobs, crooked employers, crooked dealings, Gods goodness turns crookedness, straight. STRAIGHT path to a blessed job, hidden riches, jobs the enemy hid, bound up, hinered. JESUS EXPOSES the evil works if darkness ans gives us the treasures if that darkness. THIS word is in right application, for All His intended purposes for us. If we limit God, limit Gis word, we limit ourselves.