It still amazes me the things that people, who claim to walk with Christ, say; particularly those who lead others from the pulpit.
"After all that," they taunt "You're still homeless."
After all that He taught, and all the miracles that He did, "Jesus was still homeless," even as He gave His life on the cross, even for those who came against Him in the Temple.
What's even more ironic is that while this nation always involves herself in fighting for other nation's religious rights, right here in America, in Houston, TX, a homeless grandmother can't speak or write the Word of God, without being attacked: berated, assaulted, compassed about, and denied basic needs. Sounds a bit hypocritical. Yet it is exactly as God predicted. I'm not only experiencing it, but as one who stands watch, on God's behalf...
"After all that," they taunt "You're still homeless."
After all that He taught, and all the miracles that He did, "Jesus was still homeless," even as He gave His life on the cross, even for those who came against Him in the Temple.
What's even more ironic is that while this nation always involves herself in fighting for other nation's religious rights, right here in America, in Houston, TX, a homeless grandmother can't speak or write the Word of God, without being attacked: berated, assaulted, compassed about, and denied basic needs. Sounds a bit hypocritical. Yet it is exactly as God predicted. I'm not only experiencing it, but as one who stands watch, on God's behalf...
You can walk all day, and all night: you can even be praying as you walk. But if you're not doing it God's way, whatever you get is already cursed because of the way you got it. David and Bathsheba may have been praying all while they were committing adultery, But because God wasn't with them in their wrongdoing, they didn't get to keep that male child, brought forth through short ephah; nor did the get to remain on God's property. "A man after God’s own heart," was exiled.
Houston, you can't see the forest for the trees. Instead of aligning themselves with the POWER who indwelled Jesus, Nazareth, in fighting against Jesus, fought against God's power.
Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment does never go forth: for the wicked does compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceeds. (Habakkuk 1:4)
I'm not circling around you. You compass me about, in mean spirited arrogance, at the instruction of your idols, not to give, but to take from Him whom God said "TOUCH NOT." You don't have to speak a Word, even your idols know that there's silence in the presence of God. BUT GOD, who is Spirit, hears your spirit. Your silence speaks volumes in wrongdoing.
Mine eyes are upon all their ways; they are not hidden from me, nor is their sin concealed from mine eyes. (Jeremiah 16:17)
Your "justice" is perverted
(I wrote the vision upon an electronic tablet 2 yrs ago; to which this city’s response has been 100% scriputrally accurate.)