Topic Automatically Translated From Portuguese Language:
Brothers, I ask you to pray for my true encounter with Altimo in my life. Well, I notice that I am disconnected from the Lord Jesus Christ. My life destroyed in health, financially and professionally. Please help me toward overcoming this issue. Thank all of you brothers Thankyou Jesus. Thankyou Jesus. Thankyou Jesus. Amen!
Source Text:
Irmaos, Eu peco-vos uma oracao pelo meu verdadeiro encontro com Altimo na minha vida. Pois, noto que eu estou desconetado do Senhor Jesus Cristo. Minha vida destruida em saude, financeiramente e profissionalmente. Please, help me toward overcoming this issue. Thank all of you brothers Thankyou Jesus. Thankyou Jesus. Thankyou Jesus. Amem!