Pray that God will release me from all the hurts and pain from others. Pray that God will protect me from hurts from others. Pray that God will reveal to me who Joe is, if he is not a right person to be friend with, God will remove him from my life, so that I can have more peace and catch up all the missing sleeps. Pray for comfort from all the slanders from him. Pray that God will put me into the perfect peace so that my inflamed hair scalp and inflamed right hand can be healed in Jesus' name. AMEN!
This is an example from a lady called Kat kerr.
Father, I choose as an act of my will, to loose any darkness from my soul. Any fear. Any, hurt, slander, Any hate, any offense, any frustration, anything of the enemy that’s in me, no matter how it got there, I repent if I brought it in, but however it got in there, I command it to be loosed right now, in Jesus name. I will be free from any addictions, any soul toes, it’s all going RIGHT NOW.
Father, I choose right now, as an act of my will, and as Your child, I choose to call back any parts of myself, my soul that I gave away to anything that wasn't you, right now. I call it back in Jesus name.
"Father, because I choose to loose the darkness and call back that part of myself I gave away, right now, I'm going to choose for you to download Your life, Your love, your joy, your passion, your peace, your purposes into my soul right now. I receive them and I bind those to my soul in Jesus name
Do that everyday.
Remove this person from this young lady's life and help her to be discerning in the future, Thank you for loving her and desiring that she prosper and be in health, even as her soul prospers. In Jesus name. Amen.