In Revelation,we read of the fall of the harlot,mystery Babylon,and we see the statement,"Come out from among her, that you may not share in her plagues."Now, I've seen from personal experience that by trying to "help" someone who is likely being punished for their sins by God, you can get involved to the point where it causes YOU problems.First, if they're under judgement, and by trying to "cushion" them you're interfering with Gods judgement.I can state a few cases where this happened to me.One, back when I was working for the courier services, there was this crooked dispatcher who,the IRS was garnishing his check for not paying them.{He was crooked in general, he used to take money from the petty cash box and say that another worker took it, so it would come out of their check.{For just one example.}Any way, his money was legitimately tied up, so I like a sap when he told me his bills were due he would ask for an amount, and he said he could get the money back in such way at such time. But of course, it never happened, and eventually it ran down MY money.Also as examples that helping someone who is doing wrong by violating Gods will by doing so, bring harm to yourself,I've had someone try to ask me about bearing false witness and lying in court for them, and a drug addict neighbor who wanted me to take him to pick up drugs. Also, an illegal alien I have the misfortune of knowing, who, because she's illegal, and doesn't have the "right means" to do things, "puts the lean" on me to "cover her" in everything,when it's her fault, and she stubbornly resists changing.And even my mother, fascinated by the occult,like obsessed with it.and lately she has financial problems{no matter what she tries.}Although she has the same amount of bills she had when she didn't have this problem, so I'm starting to wonder if it's not a coincidence,if, since she's not following Gods will by contacting demons at a sรฉance, maybe this is a judgement, but here again, when I try to help, my lending her money doesn't reverse the curse, the only thing that happens is I get shorter on money!!So my point?If you help SOME, you get blessed, BUT if you try to assist someone in a sin,I don't believe you will be blessed.Or if the reason they have a problem is because they're under a judgement from God, by us helping them when it's Gods will to judge them, wouldn't that be AGAINST Gods will?Aren't there times we're supposed to use judgement and wisdom, not just willy nilly do everything for everybody at all times, no matter what?If I lend money to someone to see a prostitute or buy drugs,do you think God would give me a financial blessing?If anything, He might take it away from me, because I'm using it wrongly. USE JUDGEMENT!!