Steven Bobb
Beloved of All
In the probable last days, we see things happening where the forces of evil, by virtue of the fact that they're so overbearing, seem to be winning. But what was also made clear to me was that, while the world is celebrating people changing their God-given genders, while we can't even have fair elections anymore because a very deceived old man being used by the devil has strung together a biased court case against his opponent, while hatred of Israel is at an all-time high and the biased media gives a biased account of what's happening... while this is going on, I remind Christians who wins in the end. "Woe to the Earth and to the sea because the devil has come down to you having great anger, KNOWING HE HAS A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME." Also, "And war broke out in heaven. The dragon and its angels fought against the Lamb and His angels but they did not prevail." In the long run, I remind you, we win. The darkest hour is just before dawn.