Steven Bobb
Beloved of All
In 2 Timothy chapter 3 we read about the peoples characteristics in the last days,men will be lovers of themselves,this sin, that sin.Although it's not mentioned specifically, I wonder if an uptick in rudeness is sign of anything. Anyone else notice that, several years ago, neighbors were friendlier, workers in stores were more courteous to customers, etc.Now, people have this arrogant attitude that because they don't know you, you're not important enough to be nice to,and most are downright rude!!Also, in the past,if someone wronged you, they had a conscience, maybe a while later they thought about it and would feel bad.Now, you bring it up to them, they'll give you an arrogant response.Wondering if this increase in rudeness and arrogance has Biblical significance, like 'people are giving in to their real nature in the last days.What's up with that? I'm sure the rest of you have noticed an increase in this rudeness..