Updated December 16, 2024:
The conversion is complete.
Your personal email is no longer part of the login process or your account information - only the Username and Password. Email addresses are no longer collected.
Be sure to make a note of your Username and Password now. These will be needed to login.
Invalid, bounced, or unsubscribed emails are being removed from the site starting now. The account is still active and remains. It is just the personal email that is being removed. This will also allow the site to consider these accounts as valid (see below).
For accounts with valid emails, they can still be used to login on this site up to the next 14 days. However, on or before December 20, 2025 your personal email will also be removed from this site.
This also means this site will not send to your personal email anymore. This includes notifications and password resets.
There is now an internal email assigned to you at which will receive your emails instead. This is available in your Workspace. You can also enable Push Notifications.
Accounts were not deleted. Only the methods of login and notifications were changed due to personal emails being removed from the site database.
More Details:
Greetings all! You may have noticed some notices in places on the forum about a free PrayerRequest Workspace area that is available for each account.
One of the main purposes is for it to provide an alternate means of communication for the site. Currently, there are over 200,000 accounts here with invalid or restricted emails. The forum software itself is not even designed to work for any user with an invalid email. There are workarounds we have patched in which provide some functionality; but, this is not ideal. There is a whole subsystem at that deals with email issues and trying to work around them.
The cost to third parties, not including our admin time, just to process emails is several thousand dollars per year. This might not be so bad if it worked efficiently. But to still have over 200,000 accounts restricted or invalid makes it not worthwhile. Removing this expense will allow the funds to be used more effectively for other operations and outreach.
This new workspace subsystem has a completely internal set of emails at the domain (short for Prayer WorkSpace). There is one alternate email for each user at which you can see viewing Settings - Account. This email is on a dedicated separate domain can not send to any outside emails, nor can any outside emails send to it. It has no relation to any existing email.
If you try to email to it from outside it won't go through. It can only be used internally for use within this site. The reason for this is that once any external use is made, email is subject to all types of restrictions and issues. Right now, this is just done as an internal mechanism to try to get these accounts fully enabled even without an externally valid email account that has not bounced, failed, or been reported. This email account itself is available now within the new Workspace subsystem. It can be used for communications and notifications within
The workspace is essentially a parallel system that we run on our servers that is linked from accounts. These servers are managed and run by us but hosted with dedicated server providers including some for offsite backups. Some other benefits are chat, video calls, storage (10 GB), a password manager, and office type programs available for editing files. There are also apps that run on mobile and desktop systems to interact with some of these.
The main forum site will still be in place. This workspace is a subsystem used separately for supporting functions and other features.
You can view and try it currently by clicking Workspace, then Dashboard from the Menus. Or click here:
This uses a self-hosted version of NextCloud. More information about that software is here: Self-hosted cloud collaboration platform for home users - Nextcloud
Thanks for your attention. More updates to follow below...
Updated December 16, 2024:
The conversion is complete.
Your personal email is no longer part of the login process or your account information - only the Username and Password. Email addresses are no longer collected.
Invalid, bounced, or unsubscribed emails are being removed from the site starting now. The account is still active and remains. It is just the personal email that is being removed. This will also allow the site to consider these accounts as valid (see below).
For accounts with valid emails, they can still be used to login on this site up to the next 14 days. However, on or before December 20, 2025 your personal email will also be removed from this site.
This also means this site will not send to your personal email anymore. This includes notifications and password resets.
There is now an internal email assigned to you at which will receive your emails instead. This is available in your Workspace. You can also enable Push Notifications.
Accounts were not deleted. Only the methods of login and notifications were changed due to personal emails being removed from the site database.
More Details:
Greetings all! You may have noticed some notices in places on the forum about a free PrayerRequest Workspace area that is available for each account.
One of the main purposes is for it to provide an alternate means of communication for the site. Currently, there are over 200,000 accounts here with invalid or restricted emails. The forum software itself is not even designed to work for any user with an invalid email. There are workarounds we have patched in which provide some functionality; but, this is not ideal. There is a whole subsystem at that deals with email issues and trying to work around them.
The cost to third parties, not including our admin time, just to process emails is several thousand dollars per year. This might not be so bad if it worked efficiently. But to still have over 200,000 accounts restricted or invalid makes it not worthwhile. Removing this expense will allow the funds to be used more effectively for other operations and outreach.
This new workspace subsystem has a completely internal set of emails at the domain (short for Prayer WorkSpace). There is one alternate email for each user at which you can see viewing Settings - Account. This email is on a dedicated separate domain can not send to any outside emails, nor can any outside emails send to it. It has no relation to any existing email.
If you try to email to it from outside it won't go through. It can only be used internally for use within this site. The reason for this is that once any external use is made, email is subject to all types of restrictions and issues. Right now, this is just done as an internal mechanism to try to get these accounts fully enabled even without an externally valid email account that has not bounced, failed, or been reported. This email account itself is available now within the new Workspace subsystem. It can be used for communications and notifications within
The workspace is essentially a parallel system that we run on our servers that is linked from accounts. These servers are managed and run by us but hosted with dedicated server providers including some for offsite backups. Some other benefits are chat, video calls, storage (10 GB), a password manager, and office type programs available for editing files. There are also apps that run on mobile and desktop systems to interact with some of these.
The main forum site will still be in place. This workspace is a subsystem used separately for supporting functions and other features.
You can view and try it currently by clicking Workspace, then Dashboard from the Menus. Or click here:
This uses a self-hosted version of NextCloud. More information about that software is here: Self-hosted cloud collaboration platform for home users - Nextcloud
Thanks for your attention. More updates to follow below...