Humble Servant
Please pray for my son in Jesus's name, who is multi-exceptional (gifted in several areas with special circumstances too (sensory, food aversion, ADHD, suspected childhood apraxia of speech (CAS)). For example, reads way above level, types faster than most adults with 100% accuracy, does complex math problems in his head, exceptional memory, deeply empathetic, and a very sweet loving boy. He's in his teen years and is dealing with emotions, big feelings, body changes, and some oppositional defiance as trying to find his place as a teenage boy. He's saying no to us a lot and some small rebellion going on. Also excessive laughing and mischievousness. Praying in the name of Jesus for the healing, mercy and fire of God to heal him and surround the warrior angels around him and us too as this isn't the only challenges in our home, personal, finance and my toxic chaotic workplace. I am exhausted, overwhelmed, crying often, trying to be strong for everyone and carrying the sole provider of finances for my family also now all work falling to me in the department I run with a co-worker as they are out. And pray please. Ty. Sorry if this doesn't make sense. I'm trying my best but so tired. Ty.