im tire dof trying tired of praying. all day long my mother is so mean tome. i cant concentrate on caring for my very sick grandma. the ceiling is EXTRRMELY rotting. im so sad. i cant handle this corona virus fears of mine. i spend so much time cleanign thigns . i have diabetes soem kidn of tumor in my kidnefor years. i dotn have access t o medical aid. my grandma has dementia and tumor and iabete sinspidus. iheart fialure. i jsut dont knoe how to have a bette rlife. i odnt kow what to do Lord PLEase take away the CPNSTANT FLY insfestation.s I BEG YOUUUU i ahve nof riends no heloper. IF oyur my help LOrd then HELP ME I BEG what do i have to do for you to help me?,?? I CANNIT LIEV LIKE THIS IM Not even healthy anought o serve you LOR D HELPplease make my mom stop ranitng and railing an dblaming me. i feel so sick. i can tlive like this. why do i have to live. Lord fight my battle sor end my life i cant do this anymore. my mom has aspergers and her meltdowns last all day. i have add. so i CANNOT TUNE HER out. im supposed to acre for my grandma but id otn know how. i lost all my strneght. im tired of trying im tire dof praying and im tired of COSNTANT ILLNESSES CONSTONET ILLNEsses or takign car eof illneses.. i m startign to go insane. i havent shwered in over two years. HOW does anyoen survie this life? why doesnt the Lord help me??? LOR dhelp ME if you love help me. I tried so HARD: HELP ME!!! and protect and dleiver my entire famiyl formt he devil. I CANNOT HELP MYSL FI CANHNT FIHGT THIS BATTLES ANYMORE LORD WHERE ARE YOU: I AM NEVER GOOD ENOUGH FOR SOEM HELP: i ve becoem violent!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE NOthign is ever enoguh:LORd show out in my lfieHElp em ir at éeast make my moms top ebign meani DOnt test me tot he point i sin agaisnt syou. dont lead me to temptation DONT LEAD ME TO TEMPTATION. get the devil out of my life. WHY do you make me go insane