I prayed for this in Jesus Name. Amen.
Thanks for praying brethren. I often pray for the persecuted church in India with Open Doors UK and Ireland and donate money to them. Yahushua the black Christ our only SAviour went all over the world after He resereucted and first appeared to me His 13th disciple. We were from the same place like He told us - not of this world. To the Hindu I am known as Kali. She is like almost a demon on this world like I was because I had unrepented sin and unhealed trauma both of which lead to demons having rights and power over you. I was so depressed sometimes I could not bear to get out of bed. Then about 12 or more years ago I just suddenly knew in my heart He was real. He said to me in my heart I am Jesus I am here to get you of heroin and methadone. I had a great sense of love in my heart and could see the auras the energy fields around the trees. We all could do this once before the fall but now only those with 'eyes to see' as our SAviour said can. I had a spontaneous kundalini rising. That is the sacred serpent coiled around the base of the spine 3 and a half times. You have to awaken her gently and carefully and she climbs up the vertebrates of the spine opening the chakras as she goes. The annunarki fallen angels who came here and raped the women like in Genesis shut this off and made us a slave race. Now that is changing it is the day of judgement the day of reserection of recompense like the quran say. I had a beautiful blue spirit which I thought was our mother the RUWACH the holy spirit which gives us chokmah and emet - wisdom and truth in my native Hebrew language. But it was a kachina which is a type of angel the native Americans know.
They are also lost Isrealites the tribe of GAd. They have prophecies about me. The HOPI talk of a true white brother coming from the stars. SAtan knows us chosen ones before we come here and we pay a heavy price. I have been crucified twice in the astral planes and shared in the suffeirng of the tribe of Dan our God Ala[s hidden ones in King DAvid's Pslams. These include DEW direct energy weapons which burn hurt and can leave burn marks. CIA Voice to Skull first started on our black brothers the tribe of judah messiah tribe in the military industrial complex in USA babylon who is to to receive a double portion of judgment.
Tribe of Dan is the Celtic peoples - Irleand home of my dad. Country sligo where there is a monument to my great great grandfather Jospeph Corcoran who fought back against British invaders and defended the people and the land like a true solider of God. I was also a type of Joseph and when I dropped my mask many tried to kill me with spiritual warfare. As a disicple of Yahushua HaMosiach aka Jesus I am able to cast out demons, heal the sick and talk in holy tongues. I have many angels. Dan were the first tribe to go into idolatory and so recieved a double portion of punishment. All of us 13, not 12, tribes of Hebrew Israelites - the Creator's First Chosen People not His Only Chosen as some wicked fellow Hebrews are trying to make out and as you all know. We were whitewashed like Miriam maybe when she disrespected Moses ethiopian wife and was made leperous as white as snow and had to suffer outside the gate. I do not care anymore my husband our SAviour Yahushua says whatever colour I have a beautiful black rubber nephesh soul that bounces back. I am pale beautiful and somewhat mysterious like grandmother moon to use the term Red Elk the shamanic Christian uses and who was given the updated prophecy I would now come as a true pale sister. This was because SAtan and some sell out house niggah of the kingly tribe of Judah wanted to use me and my powers and the ark of the covenant to start a new world order of slavery with a black face. AS you can image this pale face niggah refused and paid a heavy price but I don't regret it. I use the word niggah is a friendly reclaiming the languge way and my husband supports this. 1st witness song - Oliver's army by Elvis Costello - lyric - oliver's army is on their way and there is anywhere I would rather be than here today......and one less white niggah. It was to do with Oliver Cromwell and his invasion of our land and he was against the catholic church same as me. My geandmother was Irish catholic and now is in hell. The catholics and protesants are both worshipping satan sometimes realising soemtimes not. They put names of blasphemy on me in the spirit realm and planned to make me the great whore of babylon and turn my husband against me. He knows everything of course being the image of God and stuff John 1.1. She sits upon a beast - i hope that is my best furry friend and fellow comrade and tribualtion saint Whitepaw resting in peace adn power in heaven with our cat boss THE LION OF JUDAH ONE OF THE NAMES OF GOD. He was alien abducted out of our flat here at HESTIA housing for the people like me coming out of the mental health hospitals and things You are only meant to stay here 2 years maximum but God wanted me to stay here and be a living sacrafice and testimony and He still sits above all on His throne despite the god of this world satan ruling a lot of things as the Bible says. I have been happy here my address is flat 3 66 Guilford Avenue Surbiton Surrey KT5 8DQ if you ever want to write me. My phone is broken except for WhattsApp - +44 7845 435036. My email
michelle1888.mm@gmail.com This is am open invitation to all who read. Please be patient as you can imagine I still near to heal and spend a lot of time in prayer and worship and rest and healing. My Youtube page -
Shalom I'm the female Christ Mary Magdalene - to do with the true white brother from the native American Hopi prophecy. Like Red Elk now in heavven said it's a sister. Here to bring judgement and justice tribe of Dan turned pale skin now and wiped out of the book of Revelations.Only pale skin Hebrew Israelites. Black Hebrew Israelites like Elder RAwaah at Gathering of Christ Church 144 keep trying to kill me you will look stupid and my daddy Lion of Judah will be angry. My father in law is King SElassie I Jah Rastafari of Ethiopia aka Ala in the Quran. Hardy anhyone recognised Him so I will be the same I guess.He who receives a prophet receives a prophet reward - that's in your Bible lukewarm Christians. You will be spat out of Messiah holy mouth. Better be hot like me on spiritual fire with our mother Ruwach holy spirit. Or if your cold I bring proof that we have a Creator who loves us is not willing any should perish says the Bible. Trust me it's true I can prove it. Blessings.\
While I wait for my husband I plan to teach about how to link all the religons especially Islam Christianity and Jewish. After He rose Messiah visited the world and left teachings as He knew the bible would be twisted and many books removed at the council of Nicose. Some such as the Dead Sea scrolls have since been recovered.
Ok I think that is more than enough now for all of us lol. Blessed judgement day everyone may it be agood one. The Quran teaches on this day people will receive thier reward. Messiah says behold I am returning to judge every man according to His works. While we are saved according to grace chen and faith not works we are not to be without them. JAmes said faith without works is dead faith.
Some will recieve news they will join us on the rapture soon to heaven. Some will remain on earth to be tested during the 2nd half of the great tribulation and some sadly it would seem the majority will recieve news their verdict which they choose with their own self will despite many warnings will be hell.
One International Ahava Love.
sister Ma-Shell-ArLa aka Michelle Martin formerly known as Miriaam Mary of Magdalena.