Disciple of Prayer
A few years ago when my daughter and her boyfriend broke up and you know how you click on sad things to help make you feel better, a love Dr reached out and said he could help bring the guy back. I just needed to send info on both of them and send a donation. I am ashamed to say this, but I did. I didn't want to see my daughter in pain any longer. Then they called me again saying he needed more money to ward off the other curses on the boy. Two girls were also trying to cast love spells for him. He needed more money to sacrifice an animal, then more to buy more supplies because the first two spells didn't work. Yes, I know you can't make someone love you against their will, but he kept wanting to meet with her but never mentioned getting back together. After a couple of months, the love Dr reached out and asked how my daughter was doing, and that weekend she had found out he had been cheating on her and she didn't want anything from him anymore. The Dr then said I needed to pay him to remove the spell, otherwise she can never be with someone else, so which once again I did. Then my daughter went to study abroad for the summer, then my dad passed away and of course you post on social media to let people know wake info. The love Dr called me to tell me my daughter is going to be in a tragic accident and I needed to pay to keep her safe, and of course I did. She was halfway around the world in Italy. I am so ashamed that I did all this. My friend told me he was just someone who conned me for money and I was beginning to believe it, but we met a psychic who told my daughter if she would have come home for my dad's funeral there would have been an accident. She knew none of this had happened. When it was my turn to be read, she told me she saw something but not to feed into it. My daughter since then has not been able to have a boyfriend; they keep leaving after one date, and when she does have a great week or month with them, they suddenly break up with her. I'm so worried I cursed her. Please help. I don't know what to do. I feel God brought the latest young man in for a reason. He had lost his dad to an overdose a few years ago; they had an instant connection, but the curse seems to come again. Someone please help me...and help my daughter. She knows nothing about what I have done.
Summary (due to privacy): A mother is seeking help after being deceived by a love doctor who claimed to cast spells for her daughter's ex-boyfriend. The mother feels responsible for her daughter's subsequent relationship troubles and fears a curse. She seeks guidance and assistance for her daughter's situation.
Summary (due to privacy): A mother is seeking help after being deceived by a love doctor who claimed to cast spells for her daughter's ex-boyfriend. The mother feels responsible for her daughter's subsequent relationship troubles and fears a curse. She seeks guidance and assistance for her daughter's situation.