Kurati. Deborah
Disciple of Prayer
I'm sorry if I give up some day , I don't know if I can handle anything in my life , I'm nt made to handle anything in my life , everything i try to handle it falls no matter what I do to make it stable. I'm sorry if I give up some day it's not because God didn't do anything in my life , God gave me everything and he saved me many a times from all the Satan things humiliating me. I'm sorry if I give up some day , it won't be becoz of my friends or my family or anyone it's because of my own past mistakes . I'm sorry if I give up some day , in this phase of my life i understood that sometimes Love from your own people can be for appreciation or can be for sympathy or can be just becoz u are their children or something. I'm sorry if I give up some day , it's nt becoz of anyone on this earth , it's because of the ego and jealousy and hurt i have in me . I'm sorry if I give up some day , the only reason for it would be I never made Jesus and my parents proud of me in my whole life and I can't keep hurting them again n again so i took this step . Im sorry if I give up someday , it's nt because I didn't try for a job I did try infact ik that I have a little more knowledge than the people who are already working, but it's just im nt able to wait For god's timing, im nt a girl who waits for so long , I am like this and I'm nt able to ignore myself for this behaviour of mine. I'm sorry if I give up some day, but I'm really a useless shit on this earth. I'm sorry if I give up some day , i hate myself for real . I'm sorry if I give up some day , i done with my life. I'm sorry if I give up some day, I hope Jesus accept me to his world . I'm sorry if I give up some day , ik God will nt accept me but I will do my best to ask them to take me before I give up . I'm sorry if I give up some day , to the people in my heart ( alex pretty dolly aadhu nanu Derek chinnu ) i love you'll I'm sorry I couldn't make it , I'm sorry I couldn't take your responsibility seriously . Never be proud of your sister and never learn anything from my life becoz it was all waste of me . I hope I meet you'll in heaven if God accepts me. I hope I just see sun before God throw me in hell . I wrote this letter I dnt know why , please pray for me , I'm not getting a job and my home situations are nt going good and my heart want to become spiritual but my mind always makes me choose my own laziness and unspiritual ways . All my friends are getting a good job and are supporting their family and making their parents proud and here I am useless.. Idk why I'm sending this request but I'm really broke I need Jesus to hear my cry help me.