Beloved of All
I need help with two major things. Please try to pray silently. You get benefits. The first is I was once a major member on the bleach forums, I assume it is still called bleachasylum. My username was Akhal-Teke. I was a major member on the forum when a character, actually a dangerous idol, named as nodt came out. I was a major fan of his. Actually one of the only vocal fans of his online. I never actually got the same version most others did. I got a tough scare attempter. A lot got something hideous and weak. A lot of people were rude or cruel on the forums and would not correct me. There is more to it, and this one really hurts! The depression and pain is extreme! I am not right for dogs and strongly dislike them. However during that time, I thought I liked dobermans a lot. They seemed different like they avoid affection. I drew as nodt on the forums as a doberman a lot! This character and breed combination were very special to me. I wanted even to take things further and work on this professionally. The whole idea was he was a tough guy. No one corrected me and I even got compliments for my ideas. As it turns out, the weak version most people get of this idol has enormous popularity!!! This alone appalls me!!!! The fans were silent!!!! This is really tragic. I strongly dislike fluffy weak looking dogs!! Some of my worst animal choices. It is obvious I probably wanted a lizard instead of a doberman. Something that really limits affection. A lot of the secret fans, who are thieves anyway, and many who are high powered criminals, stole my idea to draw as nodt as a dog!!!!! They chose the weakest, fluffiest looking breeds possible!!!!!! It is sad, hurtful, and disgusting!!!!!!! Like they just abuse and rob from the forum goers at will!!!!!! I think to add insult to injury, make opie a doberman. Yuck!!!!! I always saw him as more cat like and independent. I am hoping that the thievery stops, the thieves are jailed, and the hideous weak version of the idol stops appearing on TV or in stores!!! Big warnings not to buy their as nodt!!!!! The original on the forums was corpse like!!!!!! They splatter an ugly happy looking face over him!!!!!!! They sell a corpse like design to children!!!! Tell all your friends and family members not to touch this idol either! I do not want to work with this idol anymore. I just want justice. Especially the ugly weak dog versions stopped!!! Something better I need prayer help for. I am planning to go to a resort soon. This place sounds amazing and may have a lot of supplies and other things I need. However, the opportunity has not presented itself yet. I am in desperate need of this travel as soon as possible!