Beloved of All
I notice my boyfriend’s ex-wife does not text my boyfriend as much and she does not call him as much. I pray she continues to stop and completely. I also want to pray that my boyfriend does not ever feel the need to reach out to her for anything. I pray he understands he can reach out to his 21-year-old and his 17-year-old who is turning 18 in July. I pray he understands he does not have to go through the mom, his ex, anymore. I pray he respects our relationship this weekend and I know God has been working in him and he has been showing me more respect when it comes to his ex-wife but I pray his respect grows stronger by the day and min. I do not feel comfortable about the group text messages that my boyfriend, his ex-wife, and their two adult kids text through. I do not feel that my boyfriend and his ex-wife should be in any group messages together. I pray the kids and his ex-wife and himself all understand that my boyfriend and his ex-wife are no longer married and don’t need to be in any entertainment together that will have them tempted to talk to each other. The devil tempted Jesus three times and Jesus was not tempted. I trust God to work his plans out at his will. This weekend is his daughter's graduation at the ex-wife’s house and the ex asked him to help out and I really don’t want him helping out but pray pray he gives his ex no entertainment and no attention. I will be there too, feeling uncomfortable even though he tells me his family will be there which is so weird to me, his ex-wife tries so hard to make it seem like they are still married but I pray she completely stops and she moves on. I wish he would have let the other dad who’s child is involved in this graduation party just help cook. My boyfriend does not do this for my family but I pray that he opens his eyes and heart to understand he needs to do this for our family too. I understand he feels this is for his daughter but really he is doing it to look good to his ex-wife. I pray he moves on and does not care what his ex-wife thinks. I pray the soul ties have been broken and he can let go 100%. I do notice he has not been as entertaining to her as he has in the past. I am seeing the chains falling off of him when it comes to her. It hasn’t completely fallen but it’s almost there and I know things take time and I’m walking and trusting God every step of the way. I know it’s coming I feel it and I’m seeing it. I just need his ex to see he is happy and moved on and she respects the fact he is with another woman and she lets him go. I really believe she needs to break her soul tie. So I pray for her she finds peace within herself she finds love enough to let her ex-husband move on and she is happy for the two of us together. I pray when she sees the love we have for each other this weekend at their daughter's graduation she will understand this isn’t her place anymore. I pray she sees how much I care for their children and their grandchildren. I pray she lets him go and stops the group texting and I see she slows down on just texting and calling him and I’m thinking she noticed he really has moved on from her and is happy with the life he is living now. I thank you all for praying! God has been working in me and him and I am so thankful to him. We are his children.