I don't have a clue why this happens to me so often. I try to be close to Jesus a lot. I think my day-to-day practices put a lot of Jesus in my head. But I probably do a lot in my own abilities, simply because I don't know how to make myself let go and let Jesus. But whatever the case may be, I often find myself with feelings of being lost. Like lost in the woods. Then I start wondering, "What is it that I'm missing? Why can't I understand this?" I know what is bothering me. But once this quits bothering me, and I move on, I will find myself having the same feelings again. It will just be over something else. It doesn't seem right that I keep finding myself in this same cycle. Is there a reason why God made me like this? Please pray that the stuff I'm studying, that He will bring me the clarity so that I can get to the bottom and find the truth. This is Christian/faith-related research.