I'm really tired of this now Lord.Its too much for one person to handle.I have no hope or help,nothing only negative useless people in my life .Nothing is right now who can I depend on even you Lord won't do anything.I know I've sinned o confessed it over again and I thank you for what was given to me and I do know I can't get all that back .All I'm asking is for healing ,people who will care for us I don't want to be like this with no purpose anymore .It's overwhelming and full of danger and anxiety.Im expected to be some kind of I really can't explain.Please everyone pray for us ,I know my situation is such that it's hopeless but I'm still holding on ,struggling but I can't help it .Please Dear Lord Remove all these negativity give Eric and I peace .Forgive us please I'm sorry for breaking your heart.We are so much in debt .We do need urgent money for basic needs ,rent Lord you know all our needs please answer my prayer according to your will.Amen
God's will is that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. You have admitted it's hopeless...repent means to change direction, change your thoughts. God has already blessed you with all spiritual blessings...His word says that His divine power has given you all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of God. That knowledge is in you, because the word says that we have the mind of Christ. Now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the POWER that WORKS IN US. You is "us."
Casting your cares upon Him for he cares for you, casting down imaginations that exalt it self against the knowledge of God. Means to change your thinking from hopeless to "Everyday, in everyway, it gets better and better." Emile Coue.
Take no thought saying..."it's hopeless"
Forgiveth all your iniquities, healeth all your diseases, redeemed your life from destruction, crowing you with lovingkindness and tender mercies.
God has already forgiven you, forgive yourself and move on with God. He holds nothing against you.
God lives in you. He surely is not punishing you, else he would be punishing himself. So then, it seems we punish ourselves, believing it is God. God has already forgiven you and given you all things that pertain to life and godliness. All He sees is how amazing you are and how wonderful His life is in you, as you allow Him to be light to you and in you.
Choose life. Speak life. The joy of the Lord is your strength.