Humble Prayer Warrior
I’m ###… Intercede for me. I’m losing this fight guys! I’m not strong enough. I don’t know how to live my days like this. Having demons sitting on you and doing sexual things to you when you have no desire to do that crap will ruin a person! I’m ruined now. I’m almost gone. My mind is nearly gone! I don’t have the strength to keep going on! I live the same day everyday. It never changes! I live my life for these demons and don’t know how to change this. They have become apart of my being and they see to it that I’m losing this fight! I pray I don’t kill myself but that is where I’m headed I can tell. I’m have no help no one to lay hands on me to deliver me from these demons. I have no one. My own mom literally had the gall to tell me to just not think about them to pray no attention to them! Until someone goes through this every moment of their day they have no clue what they would do! I hate my life now. Death won’t even come take me it’s never that easy! Father in the name of Jesus, please help me Lord I can’t take being molested by demons anymore! Why is this happening to me? Father please send me help from the sanctuary of heaven. I’m in trouble and I don’t think it’s getting any better! I’m losing this fight Lord you already know this! I have nothing left. You have to show up Lord your my only hope. I’m in agony Lord! Help me Jesus! In your name I pray. Amen.