Humble Prayer Partner
I’m in desperate need of prayer over my marriage. We’ve been married over 20 years and we’ve had major challenges throughout the entire marriage. For the last 2.5 years we’ve been living separately in the same home. All this time he wanted the marriage and I did not. There has been adultery, Finacial issues, pornography, he has roaming eyes, broken dreams, and broken promises. He told me for the first 6 months of our separation (while we were in the same home) he woke crying and prayed for us everyday. However, I never saw changes in him. I was dead set on a divorce. I closed in my home on September 21 of this year and shortly after the Lord started softening my heart. Now the rolls are reversed. He had gotten emotionally involved with another woman and he now wants the divorce. I don’t blame him because I’ve not been a very good wife either. Out of fear I became controlling. I never built him up in fear he’d get big headed and leave me. I had an unconscious desire to keep him suppressed so he’s need me. Now that my eyes have been opened and my heart softened the Lord has revealed to me that that was the very worst thing I could have done. During the in home separation I went back to school to obtain an esthetics license so I could support myself and my children. Because I worked and went to school that knelt left Sundays to do chores, grocery shopping, study, or spend time with my children. I stopped going to church. Then he stopped going to church. That meant the kids weren’t going to church. We stopped reading the Bible every night after dinner. I stopped praying. Honestly I felt as though God had abandoned me. He is now we’re I was. He’s focused on all the negative in the marriage and is discussed with me. I don’t want my marriage to end. I KNOW God doesn’t want my marriage to end. I know if we were to pull through this it would speak volumes to all who are close to the situation. We have 4 children and 5 grandchildren. We have a beautiful family and we could have a testimony to help others in similar situations. I have made a big mistake out of desperation. I keep trying to date him even though I was aware he didn’t want to seek counseling or date me. I was groveling almost to the point of begging him to give us an opportunity. He just feels it’s my attempt to control the situation. I know we are truly far gone. But I KNOW God is a God of reconciliation. Marriage is His institution and He doesn’t want satan to win in destroying my marriage. Please pray they God remove satan from my marriage, that He turn Jason’s heart away from this other woman and back to me. Most of all please pray that the Lord restore a right relationship in Jason for Him. My name is Kerry Fuqua and my husbands name is Jason. I can’t thank you enough for your continual prayer! It means the world to me and my family. May God bless you and your family beyond your wildest dreams! Thank you!!