Humble Prayer Partner
I'm getting desperately my husband since last year he been struggling a lot with his depression, anxiety irritated and tiredness and other negative thoughts. His mom manipulated so much saying I wish you lived closer to me. We are 4 hours away from her. My family law also manipulate my husband so much. I notice when he visits his mom and his brother my husband relapse. My husband been struggling so bad that I noticed that he doesn't pay to much attention to me. He always in his phone see social media of boy's in underwear. Before he was habit spending time with Lord Jesus Christ when he woke up and now he doesn't do it anymore since he stop I notice that he been struggling with his mind. Even we not have intimacy relationship since six months because his mind isn't peaceful. I know the enemy trying hard with my family. I just wanted my husband pay more attention to me and less social media. My husband start focusing priorities Lord Jesus Christ and read the Bible more often. My family law stop manipulate and put guilty to my husband. My husband have the right to spend his life with me his wife and kids and dogs. My mother law let my husband live his life. As wife it to much for me because I want my husband be Godly men and be stop using to much social media and start focusing priorities Lord Jesus Christ and his wife and kids and dogs. Please I need you guys prayers