Beloved of All
im askign God to send osmeon the right engel dentil st to take of f safe all mercury filign if neceassry ofrm my moms teeth adn do not break or do any damage to her teeth or remove teeth form ehr mouth. aksign God ot heal mymom suprernaturalsyformt he malgam filigns and do they ar enot toxic as its leakign. askign God to itnerven by sending an angel for my dad ot do an in perosn ctuzanship exam to egt cnadian citizenship. i ahvent senehim in 7 years adn he coudl nto do it yesterday. iamsking the peopel tobe comassionate and God do allin his pwoer tfo rmy dad to ge the citzenship and i can see him asap as i ahave not seen him in years. i aslo aksign he heals my dad sbod yheartvalve and that he is not neagtley affceted by yesterday not my bahvior the other day. aksign God to do alin yhis powe rot save my parnts heal them and dleiver htem form evil. Lor dsned an angel to make sur emy dad has jsutivce Lor id ebg oyu ocncenirng htat exam! pelas emake its fia rofr him asap. and pelas ehl my grandma beddriden with dmenita help em celn dnc are for he rna d my fmaiyl giv em the strneght na dhela me of type oen diabetes and idabete isnsipidus askign for angeldentry care of rmy mom int henameo fthe lOr djUe sHCirds prais rot you Lor.