Beloved of All
I’m always praying my boyfriend would treat me better. I’m always asking everyone on here for that. Maybe me and him aren’t meant to be. I just want God to reveal in me where he wants me in life and bless me with his gift of marriage to the one who will treat me according to his will. Guide me, I’m tired and no matter what I do or say to the man I am currently with, something is not in place like it should be. He ignores me when I text him and I tell him not to ignore me but he does still. I speak to him and he says ok to things I ask of him and he does not keep his words, but he minimizes what he is doing that I ask him to stop. It makes me feel like I should treat him the same way he treats me but I have tried and it feels all wrong. I don’t think I’m supposed to treat him how he does me. I just don’t understand how he feels what he does is right because when I try to do it something inside says no, you’re doing wrong. So I just need God to help me because he knows my heart and he knows who I am. If it’s his will and power to guide me and bring light into my life of where he wants me to be but I need his help to get there. Thank you.