Beloved of All
if ifnd my life o depressign an di jsut want soem liht in my life. my fmaily and myslef afflicte diwht many illnesses or several years. pleas pray forur helaign and salvation. CHirst have mercy. PLEASe pelase take me out of this depression ibeg oyu ic an teven take care of my grandm alif ke this.pelase alos giv emy mothe ra kind and understnaign hart. everyday revolves aorudn her pleas epray that she is heale do fasperger synfdorm for at lease oen day so that my feeligns ar eimportant too. sufferign deeply form cassandra syndorem and type diabetes and diaebtes insipidus. i feel extrmeel ycursed. i jsut odnt wanna goo. on.. every day is a struggle my grandm ais so weak and i am weak to lfit her.nee dmriacles God ope n grandmas eyes PLASE. make her talk make my life a life i want and do this for allepoel. pelase int henameof the Lord Jeus Chirst. im slippign bakc into my old ways internet addiciotnim s depressed i jsut dotn awanna be loenly anymore. i wish God gave me soemoen who loves me.. im 34 year sodl and im not good enogh for a husband?? when am i even good enough to b belssed, im so tireed of bign sick and lonelny and in a forign no one cares. i jsut dotn even want to pray anymore.