No one is stalking you. No one is forcing themselves or their prayers on anyone. This is a prayer site. That is what we do as prayer warriors on this site We pray for people who post prayers. If you personally don't want the prayer warriors to reply to your prayer request or statements don't post any prayers or any statements. You are telling the prayer warriors your business through your prayer request or your statements.
There are many men and women of God on this prayer site who love God, and because we love God, we take our time ( time we will never get back) and pray for others (you included). There are many men and women of God who don't want to see anyone walking in error to the Word of God and they will speak on it. And I am personally glad that they do. The Word of God is truth. We as Christians should walk in truth.
And since you feel we are not godly people, why are you here? Why would you post prayer request or statements for ungodly people? Why would you pray for anyone you felt was not godly?
May God in Jesus' name, the only true and living God, bless and strengthen you to live your life pleasing unto God.
:heart: Remember: If you post a prayer request or a statement on this prayer site every member has a right or choice to reply to that prayer request or statement. It is just that simple. Again I am praying that they reply in love and you reply back in love in Jesus' name. Amen!