Prayer Warrior
Father, in Jesus' name, amen. Hear me. Whenever she comes to me again, I am driven to you. I don't know when she will leave again, but whenever she is near, my heart turns to anguish, and my eyes become wet for all the things that have happened to her, I cry Father for help. I love her more than I can understand, but she is not mine and she is unobtainable, it is unrealistic and I know it. So all I can do is give her all my love no matter how much it hurts, I made a promise... I promised her I would love her and that when she would fall when she would break when she would become volatile and condemning I would give her more love, and that at her worst I would love her more than she could understand. I promised that to her... I know we are broken up, I know we are over, Father... the others she has pursued have beat her, they have attempted murder on her, they have choked her, broken her nose, stolen her stuff, knocked her out multiple times, Father... my heart aches for her healing, my heart aches for her voice, my heart aches to see her succeed, to find love even not of my own, please give her what you promised. whenever she is near father I am closer to you and I don't know why. I don't think I will ever be with her again, I think she will just leave but father... if I can give anything if I can give any piece of myself that will heal her and put her back together I would. Please save her be it your will not mine... Touch her heart, touch her mind, touch her soul for the others have twisted it and broken it, they stole her joy, her love, her smile, they stole it all. I am not able to help her father, all I have are words, but if you would bless my words and pour your love through them... maybe just maybe somehow it will help her. I know she is using me, but I keep my promise Father I promised to love her and to love her more no matter what when it's hard. Father if I am not to be with her why do I always become significantly closer to you when she is near? please Father put your spirit upon her and touch her heart, please Father forgive her even though it is not my place to ask... and may the people in this forum pray to Father to help her, if it's your will. I am confused and I do not know what to do all I know is I love her and I want to see her joy returned even if it is not me... I don't understand though why as she comes back each time I feel you and I feel closer to you. Father, please help in whichever way you will bless her and me or guide her to her peace, but may I bring love and peace to her and into her life in ways that cannot be understood by man through you. may the people here pray for these things to I ask. it is completely in your hands Father for I am unable to do anything and am completely at a loss. protect her and help her father, for I love her more than I can comprehend... show me what to do and move for me and move for her. In Jesus name, amen