Beloved of All
Iam askin for prayers in the name fo the Lord Jeus Chirst as sinner needing mercy. yesterday my tooth broke.i have severe dehydraton issues due to highbloosugar. i need helaign . i feel very sad and also my grandma has been bedridden for years high bloos sugar dhydraiton also . strep. my mothe rneed helaign of asperger syndorme. and possibly my brother my my family nend shelign of dental meriacle sneded. my da dneed helaign of osteoprosis ( basiclaly all of us) Lor dgiv eus livign water. i am so dry. ave merc yi knwo im nto perfec tbtu have merc yi nee dyou help in doign your will I clal upon you have mercy have mrcy thats all i can say. pelas ehal my grandma of dementia. pelase firgiv emy sins. i am so lost. Lor di beg you thnak you for oyur holy blodo oyur help is in your blood. have mrc ypleas ehal my teeth heal my of type one diabetes trep flehs eaitng bacteria. pelas ehal my grandm aof small bowel obstruciotn syndorme. pelas hela mymoms brian hela my da dmeoitonally. please hela my uncle V brain and all hishealth. pelase dleive rmy brother form dehydration histmian eintoleranc ehla his brian too. Lor dmy fmaily needs oyur livign water Lord Jeus Chirs ti ask you to pelase guid emw ith oyur hOly spirit have mercy an dbe ver ypresent. thank youf or the gift of your self dyine to save us form hellt he gift of eternalife. please gie us the fiaht to belvie with oyu your helaign salvaiton dleiverance upon my and my fmaily . also for B . hela his teeht brian bod ymind emoitony giv ehim erry heart and salvaiton and for his fmaily also. please dleiver me and my fmaily form all idols witchcraft everyhitgn.Lord Jeus Chirs ti am lost. forgiv emy sins. pelase giv em the strnght power to serve ouy today and until you ocme forever and help us all do the same. pelase do a mriacl ein my dad slife and dlieve rhim for homlessnes pelase sned trilliony of holy angels to ministe rto him my mom my grandm amy brothe rhis wife and child and B all myneighbours all people. pelase save heal and protect all peopel form accidents calamities and deaht. pelase reais ehte dead. Lor dpleas pelas restore my life and my fmialy too. i am sorry for my sins. I nee doyur deivne intervension. elt tier be no confusion betweren me an dothe rpeople. Lord dleiver my life form the devil. caus em to hear oyur coice Lor clearly loudly but also right toen of voice. pelase do the smae for lal people. if oyu hav husband i was made for keep him safe protec thim and dliever himf orm all eivl evil doers ungodly people ungdoly thigns. brign slavation into every ara of his lfie i pray htis for lal peopel too. pelase no strange marriages and please ressurect all tha tis dea din my lfie in my husbands life and his famiyl my fmaily our fmaiyl.Please od all in your power to hela all of us otday. Our help is in YOur HOly blodo our help in in your Holy blood our help is in your Hly blodo. all glory prais ehOnrou goes to YOu. Please pelase hal ressurec thave emrcy an help m do oyur WIll. protect me form the deivl . you know where i am weakLor ia sk for oyur to minsiter to em personally i pray htis for B , whoeve rmy hubyby is for in the lOr dof rhim too. tell mhubby merry christmas form hsi wife and i lve him. help us Lord to beocme oen flehs wihtut the devils intrusion. i pray taht oyu restore all peoples brians recreativ emiracles oyur help is iyn oyu rholy blodo thnaky ou for oyur hOly blood. pelas eLord i hav enver been so low.. ehlp em pelas ie plead your hoyl blod upon my life my da dhis pension. send him help asap do al in your power that my da di sno homelss today of all days. thank you that OYu are our Saviour thanky ou for being bron into this world ot sav eus ofrm oru sins. HAvemerc yand heal my fmaiyl form all ucnlean spirits.dleive rus and may oyu have la the prais eand glroy. Pleas epelase pelase i turn to you and i praise OYu!!!!