I would like to give thanks unto the Lord, I had my ultrasound done, praying for good results, when I make my followup appointment, had to reschedule due to, out of pocket, medical expenses. Got to find a secondary insurance to help us out. We can't complain, no recurrences with me, so far, labs were good, colonoscopy in September, pray all goes well, for myself and when my husband gets his, and prayer for his prostate, abdomen MRI, isn't cancerous. Praying for good health for this family and others, as well. Lord, we pray for a financial miracle, to get out of debt, to pay our mortgage, and be able to help family members, and others in need. We give thanks for everything. Pray that my son in prison, gets a second chance, with his life. And maybe one day, I will be able to get him a Lawyer, and pray for others whom may be facing a situation, like myself, with a love one incarcerated. Thank You For Your Prayers.