Prayer Warrior
I would like prayers for the fake people who go to church in my family to see their evil that they are putting everyone through. They have a real mixed misconception of how life is. My cousins, are addicted to heroin my Aunt and Uncle let them do it for years. Now they want to drop them like a sack of potatoes, becuase they are or have become nuisances all the time. They got tired of, how many kids they have and not taking care of them to get high. Now my Grandmother who raised me lets these two in her life. While I was in the Army and it cost me my career becusse My Aunt and Uncle couldnt say anything to me about how my Grandmas health is. It caused me problems and rippes to where now i have a unsettling anger that seems to generate and linger even though I dont want it too. People habe this perception that a soldier who gets angry has PTSD and I blame Hollywood for it. Which forces Veterans to completely hide from society but they cant be recluses either. Now my character of discharge isnt that great it is stuck on my record becuse the chain of command didnt want to let me out to take care of my Grandmother who needed me. My sister lives accross the hallway, and she has a mental disorder. This wasnt clear to me until i got out of the Army. I got up and left becuse for some reason, the military didnt want to arrest the "Black Soldier" who was distributing drugs to the rest of the battalions. While ny 1SG was trying to start his own black lives matters when I had a more severe issue at hand. Not deal with a cultural problem, that had nothing to do with me. Now the Military Police didnt want to arrest him. For whatever reason I dont know becuase of the neglect of the chain of command doing anyhthing about all these soldiers that the PFC was doing. Their was later on after I returned from going AWOL about the issue and getting ahold of my local area Congressman. I returned to two soldiers from Alpha Company killing, a teenager off post ebcusse they were on bath salts. This PFC was the only person I knew while my 1SG was suffering from PTSD and his own black lives matter persuasion. That their was a murder off post that made national news about the incident. The chain of command covered it up the best they could while giving other soldiers who were on drugs discharge upgrades (I guess to keep them happy). While they wanted me to keep a crappier lesser discharge. I had even 4 tours of Iraq under my belt. This was all during the Obama administration. Now my family thinks im some sort of peice of garbage for doing the right thing. While i habe been going through this having money issues and not really doing much so if the group wants to pray for me with all of this by all means necessary. Oh since I have been out, i have seen how the military takes advantage kf alot of service memeber and arent never accontable for their own actions. Congress made it so that people cannot sue the Government military for such thing that could and has cuased ripple effects in people lives for a long time just to serve their country. If all lf these would be prayed for that would be miraculous and God Bless others.