Beloved of All
i woudl liekt o be heale dof type 1 diabetes adn blodo suagr issues. i dotn kwnow hat to so sad abotu my body.i want helaign and i needhelaign for my grnamda hwo ic are ofr alld ay. pelas elor dotuch her ALmgihty God witht he powe rof oyur holy spirit pelas hela her pelase also hela my relative wiht has asperger syndorme. ord askign for a calm peace day no evil in my home no scrremian peace peace form God please interven send your hly angels ot help. i wish there was osmene who udnerstood who i odnt have to explain someon who ocudl my be my friend. id otn knwo . Lor dpelase hela my grandma bedirdden for year shelp me care for her . pelas eno more yellignf ormt he other realtiv ei nee dhelp pelase no more yellignf orm them no mroe .. LOrd send someon to helop them bless thembut i cannot do this. PLease Lord please pelas epelase please pelase pleas eplase have mercy. i am so heartbroken caus emy body.. please giv em personal space frm this person please giv eme personal speace form this person pelase gv em my own space. i cant care for my grandma wiht someoen cscreamign all day at me. i dotn know how to ge tbette r i odtn knwo hwo to be better.i do no have bad intention i jsut want o care for my grandm ai peace iwhtout htis perosn screamign at me. i need more helign.. please i cannto assert myself Lor di cannto cre for myself very well. pelase help me. please make htis perosn realize tha ti am not bad to her. i feel liek im jsut her slave. everyitme i talk she gets os angry.. i wish i could get heelp. Lord pelas ehav emercy on my sins. i odnt knwo hwo to cope show me how. i cannto do more work i tried Pleas giv em a healthy life and keeep toxic peopel awaqyy. onylGodly peopel in my lfie. take away all toxic peopel in my lfie. bless them help them btu if they are gingint o kill steal or destro yme please please take them far away form me and hav eno powe rover me Lord. i ask you to dleiver me and my fmaily form all witschcraft and my hsuabdn too. if ::: Is my husbadn please dleiver himf orm al false way. Lor dplease deliver us from all evil all people. please destroy all witchcraft in or lives and dleive rus form all evil. let no witschcrsaft no curse no evil ocme near me and my huouse and my husbadns house and his fmaily. Lord make sur ei only serve the ture God and eternal ife at all times adn make sure my entire famiylblood lien onyl serve the true God and eternalife at all times as well make sure that all people serveonylthe true God and eternalife at alltimes at al times at al times.dleiver us Lord God almighty and firgiv eus. expose to mew hat is unpleasing in your sight and giv eme the power ability to change wher ei need too. i wil trymy haardes tnot to quarrelw ith ths person but pelase remove all toxic peopel i dotn wnat anyoen destryoign my l fie. no britterness of anger get into me or resenful ness or unforgvness i please my leaife iny our hands Lord i ask oyu topelase help me do oyur will. pelase sedn me my helpers form God wh will help me. send me al your angels and dleiver me amy grandm amy mom and ad and grandma and brother and fmaily and sisisteirn alw neice adn all relative B and G. plase helaus delive rus ofrm evil dleiver us form servign idols. tach me your ways Lord help me. dlieve rme form temptations. Lor dim stuck in this situaiton dleive me form that. please . Lor di pray if you are willign pelase send em a man after oy rheart the man whos eirb i was mad eof. Let every woman have her own man. gviv me the man i need thnak you Lord and make it clear as to who i need to HIma dn me. bless and protec tm yhuabdn form all evil and make sure he is faithful and only have eyes for me as his wife and vice versa. askign all of God's power to join me flehs of my flehs boen of my boen wihtout further delay and that the Lord HOly spirit will join us that Chirst himself will join me wiht the man i am supposed to be joined to no other man. Lor di ask that your power do this if oyu are wilign in your perfect timing. accoridng to oyur will. i place hti siny our hands. but you msut be loud and clear over and over and over to my husbadn form you Lord tha ti am His wife and you msut be clean to me over and over tha ti am his rib.. pleas eka eour relationship strogn and glorify God. heal us both emotionall mentaly physcially. regrow body parts that ar emissing hela us and protect our marriage union form the deivl form aynhtign that coudl possibly separte oru union. protectour marriage union that ouy have joined together at al times Lor at al times feircly liek a mothe rlion protecting her bay. let nothign coem between my husbadn incudign each othe rno misunderstnaign nothign. helaus of all misunderstanifn ggiv eus excellen tcmmunication sos torgn and powerufl we read each other sminds. may my man be only dependant on God not anyothe rhumand. Lor dpelas eb HIs head at al times and may my husbadn be an excelelnt head to me at all times under your authority. help me also to submt ot myhusband adn hep me to love and feel loved y my husband. giv ehimt he best jobw ith best benefits and money. ma ymy husband love to provid eof rme and knows how to respond to me emotionally as well. giv ehimw isdom all thigns ocncenrign me and amy he act ont hat wisdom. ma he nev rhurt me and emor me vice versa. may he protec tme and be gentle wiht em and may Godmake us so in lov eiwht on eanother and be glorfied by joingn me wiht the man he has joined me too me ebign is true wife form God and HIm beign true husband form God. .Lor dyou knwo wha i need and i place this request in your hands and leav eit. do all inyour power to join me wiht the boen of my boen fleh sof my flehs may weneevr be aaprt only for prayer. may he dwell with em and my YOu Lord provide for hima dn me. may my husband be dleivere dof all evil of alle ivl curses inclusind addictoins to anyhtign formthe devil Lord dleiver himfor oyur glory and deliver him by oyu r power. Lrd prepare us for each other jin us together and may we be equally yoked in Christ. Lor id ask oyu to be glorified and may oyu have all the gory. Lor d ask for oyur forgivness and pleas emay my prayers not be hindered by my sins i ask in th enamoe fthe Lord Jeus Christ for yur grace an merc yupon this prayer i pleasd the hOly blood of the Lord Jeus Chirs tupon my life unpon my husbadns life that ouy have chosen for me and hif fmaiiny oru fmaily our fmailies. I pray that oyu protect oyu churhc from strange merriages. protec tme form strenge marriages and all my fmialy too and all peopel. Lor dmay i never ver go awhorign form you. keep me firminyour will and may me and my husbadn and ot fmaillies and our fmaiyl unit be the apply of yor eye. dleive rus ofrm all eivl int henameo fthe Lord Jeus christ mayno on enothing no deivl tempt us frm NOt oding the Will of God.. Lor d save my save form al destruciton deliver us out of allillnesses and disease speak to us and becoem intimatew ith all of us we need oyu Lor dYOu are our life and i pry this for allpoeple. pelase save all souls form hell. Please giv eme and my husbadn YOu have chosen for me a steadfast spirit with OYu Lord Jues Chirst.. we are deaf to anyother voice exceot the voice of the hly spirit. may all poepel be deaf to ever yother voice except the Holy spirit of God. may we all becoem your sheep Lord Jue sChirs tmay we all do oyur IWll today and may we follow oyu even onto deaht.dleive rus form all thigns that prevent us form doign the will of God knowing the lOrd and prevent us form givign our entire everyhtign in devtion to the lOrd Jues Chirs.t i pray this for lal people. thank OYu Lord. protect me and my fmaily. Lor dpelas eodn tlet anyone or anyhtign take away what belongs to me and my fmaily or anyhone. Lord pleas make sure the devil doesnt kill me or my fmaily in any way ever dleive rus form ever evil thing tha tincludes evil doer and keep toxic thigns and peopel out of my lfie. protect me at all tiems. pleas egiv em life an dlife inabundanc eat all times Lor.d expose to me any lies i have belived baout YOu Lord Jeus Chirst. may i never be deliced by the devil ever ever. Lor di need oyu to please expose all ocunterfeit husbands to me all evil doer sin my life. pelas ei want nothignto od wiht any evil doer. make me wis elike a serpant gentle like a dove. i pray htis fo rlalpopel. let no evil coem to me or my famiyl to day or ever. pelase od al inyour power to revel yourself your ture self Lord and to dleive rus ofrm the deivl in every way. pleas egiv em direction Lord. ineed it!! help em to be always obedient you Lor. dpelas eodnt le tme be controleld by man only OYu God OYur Holy spirit. pelase also provide ofr al my financial need nutritonal needs shelter needs hoem needs lisure needs friendhsip needs romantic needs sexial needs formt he psouse you have chosen for me Lord thanky ouf or provign my needs. need sof helaign. pelas provide me fmaily our needs for heaign by Your hols stripes. hela my da dof al gout issues blood suagr insulin issues osteoporisi heal heart hiear lave iv ehim exceleltn cirucation hexclelnt blood flow dleive rhim form all emotional relaitd illness and also do the same for al poepe. hela my mom fo asperger syndrom dleiver her an dmy dad form al unclena spirits please dliver me form all disspointment bitterness not beign loved . pelase hela my grandma of allillness dleiver he rform all unclena spirits. Please sned me help form your throne lor din every area of my life ocncenrign the marriage oyu want me to have the wisdom you want me to have th empathy oyu want me to have th gifts oyu want me to have helaign. giv em help concenrin type 1 diabetes hwo to care fo the peopel in my lfi eow to ca for myself. pelase i needhelp int hese areas. also how to be happy .. thnaky u Lord. pellase if you are wilign provide excllent mobiel bed for my grand,a Lor id neef so alone. .pelase may your presence be wiht me every moment of my life. please htnak you lro di pray hti sfo rlal peopel to. pelas ele thtier be jsutive for the poor and needs widws orphance s. pelas edleiver all peopel form strange merriages adultery. Lord may my husbadn never comit adultery...or me tohim. may oyu giv eus such storgn lve for one another that we odnt ever wanna be apart an dm nobody nothign no one separate what YOU Lor dhave joien dotgthe ri place my marriage under the authority and headship of the Lord Jeus christ. do everyhtignin your power to join mew itht he fleh sof my flesh bone fo my boen today. int henameo fthe Lord Jue sChirst and confrm tome LOudn clearly Lord who my usbadn formyou is and loud and clearly if i am tempted ot be wiht a counterfeit husband. LE tm not be fooled. please Lor id neg oyu. do not le tme go astray form oyur will. keep me under oyur eye always an dmyhusbadn too.dleive rus form all evil in our lives and giv eus a home bles suwith god helaht and bles sus abundantly. make us wasie and make us do oyur will make us equally yoked belviers n Christ. thnaky u Lord..for oyur Glroy by OYur power all gory honour power is OYurs. in the nameo fthe Lord JeusCHirst.if i hve need of anyhtignpleas eprovide for me . dotn let th devil streak what belogns to me. pelase . i pray htis fo rlal peopel.pelas esned soemoen into mylife who understands an di odnt have to explain and they help me. send someoen intomy life who understands and i dotn have to explian pelas esend help also giv em wisdom. ic ant go through my life beign this persosn slave lor dI cant do it i ptried pelas i do you want em to be this perosns slave i dotn udnerstan dwhy am i in this situaiton ic ant keep up why is my sins? pelas eno mroe eivl in my lf eLor di odtn have bad intentions i jsut cant keep up with this perosns scheduel and the amoutn of work. pelase i odnt know how to live. am i supose dot just andure htis ? pelas emak ehti sperson Lor ipela sie beg oyu help with eh tap. i need dleiverance please Lord ewhatver help blesisng miralce anyhtign oyu can do for me and my famiyl pelas eod today.anyhtign any help any healign anyhtign anythignim desperate. Lor dif oyu have nayhtign for me and blessing any moeny and help pleas pelas epleas any friend and thign any healign anyhtign and healign form intrusive htoughtds please any haltign any hope any livgn water anyhntign pelase giv ehtis ot me andmy famiyl and dleiveranc end al of it pelas eige it to my fmaily pelase. form delaign wiht a relativ eiwth has apsetger syndorm. 24 /7. i also have to care for my grandma 24=/= i cannto keep up wth my relatives sycheduel. ic annto i cant take car eof myself ,ike this. they yell at me 24/= i have no help i am in a foreign coutnry i nee dhelp IF there is soemoen ANYONE WHo can help me wdea with this relatiPleas eGod pelase htis cros si s too big PLEAS HLP ME GOD pelase tle me my sisn why is this happenignt o me its been years LORd i ask you help stop the yellign im so tired i HELp God almighty what am i supposed to do i dotn have any help im so tired osmeon pelase pray tha tGod forgives my sisn this si too mcuh. also ims o sad about my health and teeth God i wanna be healthy PLEASE!!!! thanky ou for oyu rprayers .pelas pray for my fmaily ehalht nd salvation. Lor dplease i need help ! pelase pelas hel me!! also if oyu have ahusbadn for me make him find me recognize iam his wife and wecannto live apart.LOr di pray you send my godly husabd. also pelas edliever:: form somoking alchohola nd dleive rhimf rom all friends who are toxic and do not lea dhimt o Chirst. i aks this int he nameo fthe Lord jue sChirs.t please dleive rme and my fmaiyl Lor dofrm al dgeneration curses. forgiv emy abominations. i need help pelase im so sad.. i m so sad pelas ehave mercy have merc yhave mercy pelas have emrcy on me.. . pleas ehal my relative with asperger syndorm makes me sick i need dleiverance of type 1 diabetrs and help because htis relativ ei sreally really difficutl an di am with her 24 /7 an di cannot leav ei cannot really be yb myself they od nto understand perseonal space pelas soemoene hel me this person is really really hurtign me. i cannto handle them pela seomeobyd i ve been praygin for years why is God doign this to me. i need help PLEAS ie eg you Lord pleas help em i beg you do all iny our power ot hep me Lord JeusChirs ti cannt do this. please