I work in a field which employs, those who have recovered from mental illness. In turn we support those who are still struggling with it. This is a good thing, and yet my vulnerable predisposition, puts me often times in harms way, not only by those I serve, but with those I work with as well. I live and work in the same community, so even in my off time, I sometimes have situations which occur that seems to leave a residue of 'ickiness' behind. I have had demonic deliverance, and it seems at times, the spirtual warfare I must wage, is intense and not for the faint of heart. I need strength, as responding with defensiveness, or putting my guard up, is counterproductive, to the recovery process. I need to be able to do my job, then leave work at work, shift gears, and not be left with anything upon my person spirtitually that needs to be removed. Please pray for me.